What are the similarities and differences between electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle?

What are the similarities and differences between electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle?

Electric forces are created by and act on, both moving and stationary charges; while magnetic forces are created by and act on only moving charges. Electric monopoles exist. Magnetic monopoles don’t* exist. This is the reason that Maxwell’s laws governing electricity and magnetism aren’t symmetric.

How do you represent a magnetic field?

A uniform magnetic field is represented by equally spaced parallel straight lines. The direction of the flux is the direction in which the north-seeking pole of a small magnet points. The lines of flux are continuous, forming closed loops.

Do you mean by magnetic field?

Magnetic Field is the region around a magnetic material or a moving electric charge within which the force of magnetism acts. A pictorial representation of the magnetic field which describes how a magnetic force is distributed within and around a magnetic material.

What is in a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials. Magnetic fields surround magnetized materials, and are created by electric currents such as those used in electromagnets, and by electric fields varying in time.

What is the difference between B and H?

The difference between B and H is that B is used for representing the magnetic flux density while H is used for representing the magnetic field intensity.

What is called magnetic flux?

Magnetic flux is a measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given area. It is a useful tool for helping describe the effects of the magnetic force on something occupying a given area. The measurement of magnetic flux is tied to the particular area chosen.

What is magnetic flux made of?

Magnetic flux is what generates the field around a magnetic material. It consists of photons, however, unlike the light we receive from the Sun, it is at a much lower frequency. (1) This is why magnetic field lines are not visible to the naked eye.

Are photons affected by magnetic fields?

They only interact with charged particles, and not with each other. That’s why photons don’t interact with magnetic fields — the photons which make up the magnetic field are not charged so other photons cannot interact with them.

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