What are the similarities and differences between oceanic crust and continental crust?
The continental crust is made mostly of rocks with a composition similar to granite (a light-colored rock you would expect to find in the Sierra Nevada), whereas the oceanic crust is made mostly of rocks with a composition of basalt (a dark- colored rock, like the rocks that make up the Hawaiian volcanoes).
What are the similarities and differences of oceanic and continental crust?
Oceanic crust is made of basalt, dark in color, thin compared to continental crust (5 km thick vs 20-50 km), denser than continental crust, and geologically young. Continental crust is composed of granite, light in color, and thicker, less dense, and older than oceanic crust.
What are the similarities between oceanic and continental?
Oceanic and Continental crusts are alike because they both shift and move and grow. They differ by there rock types. Oceanic crust is made up of dense basalt while continental crust is made up of less dense granite.
What are the 2 kinds of crust differentiate them?
Earth’s Crust There are two different types of crust: thin oceanic crust that underlies the ocean basins, and thicker continental crust that underlies the continents. These two different types of crust are made up of different types of rock.
Why is continental crust made of granite?
Continental rocks are fractionated from this material during the processes of plate destruction at subduction zones. These granite bodies are formed by the remobilization of older continental crustal material that has been accumulating for as long as plate tectonic processes have operated on Earth.
What are the eight most common elements in the continental crust?
You should learn the symbols for the eight most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust (Oxygen (O), Silicon (Si), Aluminum (Al), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), and Potassium (K) .
What is the most common element of the earth’s crust?