What are the similarities between the Qin and Han dynasties?
The dynasties were similar because both unified China and its culture through programs of centralization and assimilation, the integration of people into a wider culture. However, while the Han Dynasty embraced Confucianism, the teaching’s of Confucius, the Qin Dynasty followed Legalism philosophy.
What are 4 differences between the Han and Qin dynasties?
The Qin Dynasty Qin dynasty had a stricter government than the Han’s. While the Han dynasty gave the emperor a lot of power, the Qin dynasty gave the emperor even more. Han didn’t tax citizens as harshly as then Qin dynasty did. Qin was not shaped by religion like the Han was.
Which of the following statements is the most accurate comparison of the Qin and Han dynasties?
Answer: The Han Dynasty saw greater expansion than the Qin Dynasty and established crucial trade routes.
What impact did the Silk Road have on China under the Han Dynasty choose two correct answers?
What impact did the Silk Road have on China under the Han dynasty? Choose the TWO correct answers. A It enabled the Han to expand Chinese territory.
What impact did the Silk Road have on China under the Han dynasty quizlet?
While Buddhism originated in India, the silk road under the Han Dynasty brought Chinese traders in direct contact with Buddhism, thus Buddhism expanded into China under the Han Dynasty. Buddhism was welcomed and tolerated by the government.
What was the Silk Road and why was it important?
The Silk Road was important because it helped to generate trade and commerce between a number of different kingdoms and empires. This helped for ideas, culture, inventions, and unique products to spread across much of the settled world.
Why is the silk road dangerous?
It was incredibly dangerous to travel along the Silk Road. You faced desolate white-hot sand dunes in the desert, forbidding mountains, brutal winds, and poisonous snakes. But, to reach this strip, you had to cross the desert or the mountains. And of course there were always bandits and pirates.
How did religion impact the Silk Road?
The Silk Road provided a network for the spread of the teachings of the Buddha, enabling Buddhism to become a world religion and to develop into a sophisticated and diverse system of belief and practice.
What religions were on the Silk Road?
Together with the economic and political exchange between the East and West, religions of the West were introduced into China via the world-famous route. Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Nestorianism and Islam were cultural treasure of the ancient west, which were bestowed upon China during the old times.
What cultures were spread on the Silk Road?
Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. Silk went westward, and wools, gold, and silver went east. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the Silk Road.
Is there a modern version of the Silk Road?
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is a planned sea route with integrated port and coastal infrastructure projects running from China’s east coast to Europe, India, Africa and the Pacific through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.
How is the Silk Road like the Internet?
The Silk Road really served, like the Internet does, as a linked network of communication “nodes.” In the way “packets” of information are passed along the Internet from computer node to computer node all over the globe, so were actual packets of goods passed from one trader’s caravan to another, and from one caravan …
Should the Silk Road be renamed?
Although many cultures were connected across the Silk Road, naming it after silk is appropriate because the name emphasizes the dominance of Chinese ideas and goods in the exchange. Students could extend these arguments by considering the cross-‐cultural connections in existence today.
What would be a better name for the Silk Road?
The term “Jade Road” would have been more appropriate than “Silk Road” had it not been for the far larger and geographically wider nature of the silk trade; the term is in current use in China.