What are the sources of related literature and studies?

What are the sources of related literature and studies?

Generally, the sources of related literature and studies are located in the following places:  Libraries, either government, school, or private libraries.  Government and private offices.  The National Library.  The library of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.

How can I write related literature and studies?

Write a Literature Review

  1. Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly.
  2. Search for literature.
  3. Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them.
  4. Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics.
  5. Develop a thesis or purpose statement.
  6. Write the paper.
  7. Review your work.

How do you cite literature?

The source of the information or ideas must be credited directly in the text and this is known as citing literature. Usually, the sources you cite will be your primary articles, popular article, books or texts. However, you should also cite any personal communications with researchers or instructors.

How important is citing related literatures and studies in conducting research?

2. It is important for a researcher to have a comprehensive and relevant body of supporting materials to his research work. Reviewing related materials helps the researcher to gather valuable data and ideas that can guide him in his own research.. …

What do you mean by related studies?

Usually, related studies is about reviewing or studying existing works carried out in your project/research field. D candidate’s related works is important constraint since pave path to entire research process. Related studies can be taken from journals, magazines, website links, government reports and other source.

What is the purpose of related studies?

It provides insight into the theoretical/ conceptual background of the study. It provides the rationale of the framework of the study. ( the theoretical framework is obtained or conceived through the literature search ) It helps the researcher to gather valuable data and ideas that can guide him in his own research.

Is a literature review a research method?

Systematic literature review. A systematic review can be explained as a research method and process for identifying and critically appraising relevant research, as well as for collecting and analyzing data from said research (Liberati et al., 2009).

Is a literature review quantitative or qualitative?

Literature reviews are qualitative when used as a research method or design. However, a research paper that is either qualitative or quantitative can have a literature review that addresses a specific research gap.

What is an example of a quantitative study?

An example of quantitative research is the survey conducted to understand the amount of time a doctor takes to tend to a patient when the patient walks into the hospital.

What are the 5 characteristics of quantitative research?

What are the Characteristics of Quantitative Research?

  • Large Sample Size.
  • Structured Research Methods.
  • Highly Reliable Outcome.
  • Reusable Outcome.
  • Close-ended questions.
  • Numerical Outcome.
  • Generalization of Outcome.
  • Prior study.

What are the parts of quantitative research?

Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. The final written report has a set structure consisting of introduction, literature and theory, methods, results, and discussion.

How do you select a sample from a population?

Methods of sampling from a population

  1. Simple random sampling. In this case each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being selected.
  2. Systematic sampling.
  3. Stratified sampling.
  4. Clustered sampling.
  5. Convenience sampling.
  6. Quota sampling.
  7. Judgement (or Purposive) Sampling.
  8. Snowball sampling.

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