What are the themes of The Kite Runner?

What are the themes of The Kite Runner?

The Kite Runner Themes

  • Betrayal. The betrayal of a loyal friend by a wealthier, more corrupt “master” is a recurring motif in The Kite Runner, and Amir and Baba’s feelings of guilt for their betrayals drive much of the novel’s action.
  • Redemption.
  • Fathers and Children.
  • Violence and Rape.
  • Memory and the Past.
  • Politics and Society.

Are Amir and Hassan friends?

At the beginning of The Kite Runner, Amir and Hassan are childhood friends. They enjoy each other’s company and spend their days playing together. Although Hassan is Amir’s servant and of a lower social status, he is the braver and physically stronger of the two boys.

Would Amir say that Hassan is his friend?

Baba, however, never calls Ali his friend. Similarly, because of their ethnic and religious differences, Amir says as a child he never thought of Hassan as a friend.

What kind of person is Assef?

The reader first meets Assef as a violent, racist child who draws his social power from his economic and ethnic identity, and wants to rid his country of all Hazaras. Assef’s rape of Hassan is a dramatic and explicit example of those with social privilege violating those without.

Why can Amir and Soraya have a baby?

In the summer of 1988, Amir finishes his first novel. He gets it published, and then he and Soraya start trying to have a baby. They are unable to conceive, however, and after numerous tests doctors cannot explain why they can’t have a child. They talk about adoption, but General Taheri says he doesn’t like the idea.

What does Sohrab do to Assef?

Sohrab told Assef to stop and held up his slingshot, and when Assef lunged at him, Sohrab fired, hitting him in the left eye.

How does Assef die?

It is debatable what has happened to him afterwards, its possible he died from the infection by the shot in his eye or was assassinated by the US army later on in the war.

What does Hazara mean in Afghanistan?

The Hazaras (Persian: هزاره‎, Hazāra; Hazaragi: آزره‎) are a Persian-speaking ethnic group native to, and primarily residing in, the mountainous region of Hazarajat, in central Afghanistan. Hazaras are considered to be one of the most oppressed groups in Afghanistan, and their persecution dates back decades.

Who is the protagonist in The Kite Runner?

Characters, Themes, and Quotes – The Kite Runner. Amir – The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Amir is a wealthy boy who grows up in Kabul, Afghanistan with a sense of entitlement.

Who wrote Kite Runner?

Khaled Hosseini

Where does Kite Runner take place?


How does kite running work?

Kite running is the practice of running after drifting kites in the sky that have been cut loose in kite fighting. Typically the custom is that the person who captures a cut kite can keep it, so the bigger and more expensive looking the kite, the more people can usually be seen running after it to try to capture it.

Why did the Taliban ban kite fighting?

A closer look reveals hundreds of brightly colored kites soaring high into the air. The Taliban regime banned hobbies such as kite flying and bird keeping, in the belief that such pastimes were un-Islamic. Karim is 12 years old and is helping his friend Muhasel fly a kite.

Why is kite fighting so dangerous?

Metal-coated strings have fallen on electricity lines and overhead power cables, and people have been electrocuted while trying to retrieve their kites. These strings have also caused short-circuits and power outages. And kite strings aren’t the only reason kite flying can be dangerous.

What is the objective of kite fighting?

The objective of the kite fight is to slice the other flier’s string with your own, sending the vanquished aircraft to the ground. Kite-fighting string is coated with a resin made of glue and finely crushed glass, which turns it into a blade.

What was the purpose of the first kite?

Ancient and medieval Chinese sources describe kites being used for measuring distances, testing the wind, lifting men, signaling, and communication for military operations. The earliest known Chinese kites were flat (not bowed) and often rectangular.

How do you fight a kite?

Two or more kites are flown. Competitors try to capture their opponents kite and bring it to the ground. The person or team who succeeds is the winner. Expert kite fighters are able to cut their opponent’s line (manjha) and then encircle the trailing line (lubjow) of the cut kite.

Who invented kite fighting?

Though kites were invented 2,500 years ago, probably in China, this type of kite fighting is said to have originated in India. The kites are made of simple colored tissue paper and bamboo.

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