What are the top two states in America with the most drunk driving fatalities?

What are the top two states in America with the most drunk driving fatalities?

States with most drunk driving deaths

2019 Rank State Impaired Driving Deaths per 100,000
1 Montana 7.44
2 Wyoming 5.89
3 South Carolina 5.72
4 Mississippi 5.46

Which country has the highest drunk driving rate?

South Africa

What age can you drink in Germany?


Can 14 year olds drink alcohol in Germany?

At 14 – minors are allowed to consume and possess undistilled (fermented) alcoholic beverages, such as beer and wine in public places, bars or restaurants, as long as they are in the company and have the permission of a Custodial Person.

Can you drink at 13 in Germany?

In Germany, there are 3 drinking ages: 13 – minors are allowed to consume beer or wine with their parents or legal guardian. 16 – minors are allowed to consume beer or wine without their parents or legal guardian. 18 – adults are allowed to consume distilled alcohol.

Why is alcohol so cheap in Germany?

In a regular pub or restaurant, you’ll probably pay almost as much for a small mineral water as for a draught beer, but rarely more. Simply because they often sell premium brand Mineral water in small bottles, which can get quite pricey. A large bottle will usually be a fair bit cheaper per volume.

Is alcohol cheap in Germany?

Even though taxed, alcohol is ridiculously cheap in Germany. Even the very best beer costs only about €0.75 a bottle. Cheap “discount” beer is €0.25 a can. Germany is probably the cheapest place on earth for brand liquors.

How much is beer in Germany?

Elsewhere in Germany, a beer might typically cost the equivalent of $5 or less. That’s at a bar. A bottle of beer in a supermarket in Germany often costs less than $1. So Oktoberfest revelers are paying quite a premium.

Why is German water so expensive?

German consumers are having to pay more on average for drinking water, an evaulation from the Green party has found. The cause is traced to agribusiness nitrates that must not find their way into potable water. Municipalities within each state set their own base price for water usage per cubic meter (1,000 liters).

Is it rude to tip in Germany?

The truth is, tipping is expected in Germany (like much of Europe, except perhaps Italy) but at a much lower rate than in North America. You may not be moved to tip, especially in Berlin, the sneer capital of service. Also consider that service may be included in your bill (marked as bedienung).

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