What are the two types of surface waves?

What are the two types of surface waves?

The two types of surface waves are named Love waves and Rayleigh waves, after the scientists who identified them. Love waves have a horizontal motion that moves the surface from side to side perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling. Of the two surface waves, Love waves move faster.

What causes a surface wave?

Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As wind blows across the surface of the ocean or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a wave crest.

Why are surface waves the slowest?

S waves are more dangerous than P waves because they have greater amplitude and produce vertical and horizontal motion of the ground surface. The slowest waves, surface waves, arrive last. They travel only along the surface of the Earth. Love waves move back and forth horizontally.

How far can surface waves travel?

Surface waves are the slowest of all seismic waves. They travel at 2.5 km (1.5 miles) per second. There are two types of surface waves.

Which type of seismic waves travel the farthest?

Love who first described them. The surface waves are generally the largest recorded from an earthquake. Body waves in the earth’s interior lose their amplitude rapidly as they get farther from the earthquake because they spread out inside the volume of the earth.

What is common to both P-waves and S-waves?

Answer: P-waves and S-waves are waves of the body that travel across the globe. On average, P-waves move 60% faster than S-waves, since the interior of the Earth does not respond to both of them in the same way. Compression waves that apply a force in the direction of propagation are P-waves.

Where do P-waves travel the fastest?


How fast do P waves travel through granite?

5.5 km/sec

Why P wave can travel through liquid?

Traveling through the interior of the earth, body waves arrive before the surface waves emitted by an earthquake. The P wave can move through solid rock and fluids, like water or the liquid layers of the earth. It pushes and pulls the rock it moves through just like sound waves push and pull the air.

How do P waves travel?

P waves travel through rock the same way that sound waves do through air. That is, they move as pressure waves. When a pressure wave passes a certain point, the material it is passing through moves forward, then back, along the same path that the wave is traveling. P waves can travel through solids, liquids and gases.

How fast do P waves travel?

5 to 8 km/s

What are two characteristics of P waves?

Although liquids and gases have zero rigidity, they have compressibility, which enables them to transmit P-waves. Sound waves are P-waves moving through the air….P-Waves.

P-waves travel through materials with rigidity and/or compressiblity, and density
greater compressibility faster P-waves
greater density slower P-waves

What is the difference between P and S waves?

P waves travel at speeds between 1 and 14 km per second, while S waves travel significantly slower, between 1 and 8 km per second. The S waves are the second wave to reach a seismic station measuring a disturbance. The difference in arrival times helps geologists determine the location of the earthquake.

How will you describe the P and S waves motion?

P-wave:the primary body wave; the first seismic wave detected by seismographs; able to move through both liquid and solid rock. S Wave—secondary body waves that oscillate the ground perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. S waves produce vertical and horizontal motion in the ground surface.

What is the interval between P and S waves?

S waves are indicated by an abrupt change in wave amplitude. In the seismogram below, we see that the S wave arrived at about 34 sec after the P wave arrived. This time difference is called the S-P interval and is the lag time between the P and S wave.

What is the difference in arrival time between P and S waves?

S waves are slower than P waves by a known amount. Therefore, the farther a seismic recording station is from the earthquake epicenter the greater will be the difference in time of arrival between the P and S wave.

What happens to the difference in arrival time between P waves and S waves as the distance from the epicenter increases?

The time between the arrival of the p-wave and s-wave becomes greater and greater as the distance from the epicenter increases because p-waves have a faster velocity than s-waves, meaning p-waves arrive at a station or location first, before s-waves, so as the distance from the epicenter increases, the distance that …

How do you read P and S waves?

The P wave will be the first wiggle that is bigger than the rest of the little ones (the microseisms). Because P waves are the fastest seismic waves, they will usually be the first ones that your seismograph records. The next set of seismic waves on your seismogram will be the S waves.

Why didn’t P waves arrive in each city at the same time?

Answer Expert Verified Since each city has a different distance from the epicenter, the p-waves will arrive at different times.

Is one seismic station sufficient to determine the position of the epicenter?

At least 3 earthquake recording stations are required to find the location of the earthquake epicenter. A single recording station can only calculate distance, but not direction; to cover all possibilities, a complete circle is drawn around that station.

What method do seismologists use in locating an epicenter?

Scientists use triangulation to find the epicenter of an earthquake. When seismic data is collected from at least three different locations, it can be used to determine the epicenter by where it intersects. Every earthquake is recorded on numerous seismographs located in different directions.

What happens to the time difference between primary and secondary waves as the distance traveled gets longer?

What happens to the times difference between primary and secondary waves as the distance traveled gets longer? The time differences become bigger. Suppose a primary and secondary wave both travel a distance of 4,000 km before they are picked up by a seismograph.

How long would it take this wave to travel 5 000 km?

How long does it take an S-Wave to travel 5,000km? Go to the chart! Go to the chart! The recording station tells us it took 6 minutes and 20 seconds for the P-Wave to reach them.

How do you find the distance between P and S waves?

Measure the difference in arrival times between the first shear (s) wave and the first compressional (p) wave, which can be interpreted from the seismogram. Multiply the difference by 8.4 to estimate the distance, in kilometers, from the seismograph station to the epicenter.

What happens to lag time the further you are from the epicenter?

Which of the statements best describes the relationship between lag time and distance from epicenter? The longer the lag time, the closer the distance. The shorter the lag time, the farther the distance. There is no relationship.

Why is an ocean classified as a surface wave?

Why is an ocean wave classified as a surface wave? Because it moves along the surface of the sea. As waves enter shallow water, friction causes the bottom of the wave to slow down, but the top of the wave continues forward, carrying anything floating on top with it.

What is another name for a certain type of wave?

What is another name for a certain type of wave? Another type of wave is called a tide.

How high do waves get in the ocean?

The average wave height of the highest 10% of all waves will be 22 ft. (7 m). A 5% chance of encountering a single wave higher than 35 ft. (11 m) among every 200 waves that pass in about 30 minutes.

What wave height is dangerous?

If the wave length is 7 times or less than the wave’s height, then you should take precautions. For example, using the minimum 30 percent wave height to boat length, if your boat is 40 feet long, then the wave-height danger zone starts at waves 12 feet high (40 x 30).

How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go?

100 miles inland

Can a rogue wave flip a cruise ship?

Cruise-ship sinkings are much rarer, but in recent years some cruise liners have been hit by rogue waves, including: The wall of water smashed into the bridge of the 591-foot ship, knocking out windows and damaging the ship’s controls and power.

Could a cruise ship survive a tsunami?

Experts agree that a cruise ship sailing out over a body of water is not likely to feel any impacts from a tsunami’s waves. Cruise ships closer to land or at port would face an immense threat from the tsunami’s tall, high-energy and potentially devastating wave.

Is the wave in Poseidon possible?

” ‘Poseidon’ is good clean fun, but it’s not likely to happen,” said Dr. William Asher, principal oceanographer at the applied physics laboratory at the University of Washington. In “Poseidon,” the ship’s passengers are partying hard when a freak 150-foot wave strikes the luxury liner broadside, rolling it over.

Are there police on cruise ships?

Unlike airplanes with Federal Marshals, cruise ships have no police authorities aboard. The few security guards on the ships are loyal to their employer who pays their salary – not to the passenger. In fact, some cruise lines have never had a crew member ever convicted of a sex crime or other felony.

Do cruise ship employees sleep with guests?

Sleeping with the guests is strictly prohibited on board cruise ships, with strict consequences for any member of staff caught copulating with a tourist – but that doesn’t stop it happening. Ex-cruise worker Whateverdude1 said: “You can’t sleep with guests! Rule #1.

Do they have a jail on cruise ships?

Do Cruise Ships Have Jails? Cruise ships have small jails onboard, they are called brigs. The jails are located in the crew only areas and guests rarely see them. The onboard jails are small and used as a place to hold guests suspected of breaking the law or those who are acting in a dangerous or reckless way.

What does CODE RED mean on a cruise ship?

Code Red – Outbreak of norovirus or illness. It means the ship must undergo deep cleaning and sick passengers should stay in their rooms. Code Green and Code Yellow indicate less severe problems.

Why you should never take a cruise?

Cruise vacations can often expose you to too much sun while lying on deck or when hitting the beach at one of your ports. Too much sun can not only increase risk of cancer, but it also can cause heat stroke, cataracts, dizziness, fatigue and skin blisters or burns.

What does code echo mean on a ship?

Echo, Echo, Echo is the code for a possible collision with another ship or the shore aboard Royal Caribbean ships. On board some cruise lines this means danger of high winds while at port. It alerts the crew responsible for the gangway, thrusters etc… to get into position and be ready for new maneuvers.

What is Code Bravo at hospital?

A shipboard announcement warning of fire. Segen’s Medical Dictionary.

What is Code 7 in a hospital?

7 Code Orange: External Disaster This could be a situation of the elements, like an impending tornado or flood, or even something as serious as a terrorist attack that, even if it is hundreds of miles from the hospital’s location, warrants being announced to the people of the hospital.

What does Code Purple mean at a hospital?

bomb threat requiring evacuation

What is a code 99?

A message announced over a hospital’s public address system warning of. (1) A medical emergency requiring resuscitation. (2) A mass casualty, likely to exceed 20 people.

What’s a code 99 at IKEA?

THEY SPEAK IN CODE. “It means the cash lanes are backed up into the warehouse. If a lost kid is wandering the store (which happens a lot), Jana says managers use “Code 99” to put all employees on alert. “There are so many wardrobes to hide in or bed skirts to hide under,” says Marie.

What is a code 99 in Walmart?

What is a code 99 at Walmart? CODE 99: This code implies that there is an emergency and all male employees are to immediately stop what they are doing and move to the announced location.

What does code 1000 mean at IKEA?

there’s an emergency

What is code 500 in IKEA?

Code 500 in an IKEA store means someone on the premises needs first aid (the location is announced with the code). IKEA has a policy that any injured customer will be approached by at least 2 staff members trained in first aid.

What does code C mean at Walmart?

Customer Service needed

What is the most expensive item at IKEA?

Most expensive: The Kivik chaise is a $600 long chair that is perfect on its own or as an addition to the Kivik sofas. Just like the sectional above, the cushioning is topped with memory foam.

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