What are the types of test questions?

What are the types of test questions?

This tips sheet contains a brief description of seven types of examination questions, as well as tips for using each of them: 1) multiple choice, 2) true/false, 3) matching, 4) short answer, 5) essay, 6) oral, and 7) computational.

What are the different types of exams?

How to prepare for different types of exams

  • Multiple choice exams. Multiple choice questions usually include a phrase or stem followed by three to five options.
  • Problem or case-based exams. Project-based assessments allow students to engage with their learning in more concrete ways.
  • Oral exams.
  • Open-book and take-home exams.
  • Essay exams.

What are the five different styles of questions?

Factual; Convergent; Divergent; Evaluative; and Combination

  • Factual – Soliciting reasonably simple, straight forward answers based on obvious facts or awareness.
  • Convergent – Answers to these types of questions are usually within a very finite range of acceptable accuracy.

What are the 7 types of questions?

Let’s start with everyday types of questions people ask, and the answers they’re likely to elicit.

  • Closed questions (aka the ‘Polar’ question)
  • Open questions.
  • Probing questions.
  • Leading questions.
  • Loaded questions.
  • Funnel questions.
  • Recall and process questions.
  • Rhetorical questions.

What are the 2 types of questions?

These are two types of questions you can use that are very different in character and usage….Open questions

  • They ask the respondent to think and reflect.
  • They will give you opinions and feelings.
  • They hand control of the conversation to the respondent.

What are the 6 types of questions?

In English, there are 6 different kinds of questions. An utterance is a question if it has one or more of these four markers: rising intonation; inverted word order; a question word: who, what, where, when, how, how, why: or the word or.

What is the Socratic questioning method?

The Socratic approach to questioning is based on the practice of disciplined, thoughtful dialogue. In this technique, the teacher professes ignorance of the topic in order to engage in dialogue with the students. With this “acting dumb,” the student develops the fullest possible knowledge about the topic.

What is the most important question in life according to Socrates?

Virtue. Socrates strongly believed (unlike modern society) that the cultivation of virtue is the most important pursuit in life. He believed that virtue leads to a good and fulfilling life. The virtuous person is one who does well for society, and is in control of themselves and their desires.

What is the main philosophy of Socrates?

Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

How did Socrates try to teach others?

His style of teaching—immortalized as the Socratic method—involved not conveying knowledge, but rather asking question after clarifying question until his students arrived at their own understanding. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and sentenced to death.

What were the charges against Socrates?

The trial of Socrates (399 BC) was held to determine the philosopher’s guilt of two charges: asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of Athens, and corruption of the youth of the city-state; the accusers cited two impious acts by Socrates: “failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges” and “introducing new …

What is a gadfly in apology?

Socrates. The term “gadfly” (Greek: μύωψ, mýops) was used by Plato in the Apology to describe Socrates’ acting as an uncomfortable goad to the Athenian political scene, like a spur or biting fly arousing a sluggish horse.

What challenges did Socrates offer to the jury?

Socrates says that if the jury aqcuits him on the grounds that he must stop practicing philosophy he will decline. He says that there is no greater service he could offer than to follow his order from god.

What are Socrates arguments in his own defense?

Socrates argues that he is innocent of both charges. His defense is ultimately unsuccessful, and he is convicted and sentenced to death. Socrates concludes the Apology by arguing that a just man should have no fear of death.

How does Socrates defend himself against the charges?

Socrates defends himself by saying he was prophesied to be a wise man by the Oracle of Delphi. Due to the prophecy, he believes his spiritual mission is to question people. Through questioning, he hopes to illuminate the difference between true and false wisdom.

What was Socrates last request?

Socrates’ last request of the jurors: “when my sons grow up, avenge yourselves by causing them the same kind of grief that I caused you, if you think they care for money or anything else more than they care for virtue, or if they think they are somebody when they are nobody.

What is Socrates accused of in the apology?

Plato’s The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens.

What reason does Socrates give for why he is not a teacher?

Abstract. Plato’s Apology of Socrates contains a spirited account of Socrates’ relationship with the city of Athens and its citizens. As Socrates stands on trial for corrupting the youth, surprisingly, he does not defend the substance and the methods of his teaching. Instead, he simply denies that he is a teacher.

Where does Socrates know nothing?

Evidence that Socrates does not actually claim to know nothing can be found at Apology 29b-c, where he claims twice to know something. That said, in the Apology, Plato relates that Socrates accounts for his seeming wiser than any other person because he does not imagine that he knows what he does not know.

What does Socrates say about education?

Socrates says that those fit for a guardian’s education must by nature be “philosophic, spirited, swift, and strong” (376 c). The guardians must be lovers of learning like “noble puppies” who determine what is familiar and foreign by “knowledge and ignorance” (376 b).

Why would Socrates not intentionally corrupt the youth?

Why would Socrates not intentionally corrupt the youth of Athens? Because Socrates argued it is better to dwell among fellow citizens who are good. After hearing what the oracle said about him Socrates goes to the politicians, craftsmen, and orators to prove the oracle wrong.

Did Socrates corrupt the youth intentionally?

Socrates then goes on to bellow that he would never intentionally corrupt the young and so it must be that he either does not corrupt the young or he does so unintentionally. But the truth is that Socrates deliberately performs his elenchus.

How does Socrates define and seek wisdom?

Updated February 23, 2019. Socratic wisdom refers to Socrates’ understanding of the limits of his knowledge in that he only knows that which he knows and makes no assumption of knowing anything more or less.

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