
What are the weaknesses of an Infj?

What are the weaknesses of an Infj?

INFJ Weaknesses

  • Overlooking details. No matter how practically-oriented they aspire to be, INFJs have a tendency to get so caught up in theorizing the big picture that they forget to account for some of the precious details that can separate success from failure.
  • Intensely private.
  • Conflict averse.
  • Sensitive.

Why is Infj dangerous?

One thing about INFJs is they are singularly focused on their goal and can get tunnel vision. You can’t move them from the vision and patterns they are creating in their head. This can lead them to believing their ideas are the way to make their world a better place, even though their ideas may be very destructive.

Can INFJs be violent?

INFJs definitely do not enjoy violence, and often believe it is a waste of energy. They are often people who want to avoid seeing others in pain, which makes violence a rather unpleasant thing for them. Most INFJs become pained when they hear about war, and despise the idea of people suffering.

What Infj hates the most?

Things the INFJ Hates

  1. Staying on the surface.
  2. Manipulation and deceit.
  3. People who take and rarely give.
  4. Arguing just to argue.
  5. Constant chaos.
  6. Not getting enough alone time.
  7. When people are inconsiderate.
  8. Having to compromise their values.

What do INFJs find attractive?

INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls, with so much going on inside of them. Compassion and being able to really listen are also qualities the INFJ is naturally attracted to. Someone who actually shows caring towards others and is not constantly focused on themselves and their own feelings.

Are INFJs smart?

INFJs are often viewed as highly intelligent people, but understand their type of intelligence is important. Something which the INFJ is very connected to is their intuition, and this certainly is a type of unique intelligence they possess.

Are Infj beautiful?

INFJs are often misunderstood or considered different among the other sixteen personality types. Being an INFJ is beautiful because, in a nutshell, we are selfless human beings with a drive to, not only better ourselves, but better the lives of those around us.

Are INFJs good at math?

No I don’t think so, it’s true that INFJ don’t usually choose a career related to maths but they are pretty good at maths, to elaborate they are good at everything they find an interest in. INFJ’s can be good at a lot of things if they put there interest in it (which is true for me).

Why is the Infj personality so rare?

Some possible explanations for the relative rarity of INFJs may be due to the fact that we’re just not in situations where the test is offered, or maybe we don’t want to take the test, says Dr. Carla Stebbins, a New-York based certified MBTI practitioner who works in higher education.

Is Infj T rarer than Infj A?

INFJ- A (Assertive) and INFJ-T (Turbulent) Personalities Compared. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) identifies the INFJ personality as the rarest among 16 personalities. The INFJ personality distinguishes two subtypes, INFJ- A (Assertive) and INFJ-T (Turbulent).

What happens when you hurt an Infj?

The INFJ can find themselves getting hurt feelings over small actions taken, or even ones which haven’t been taken. When someone says something which hurts the INFJ, they might try not to let this appear like they are truly upset. They don’t want to be a burden, and don’t want to feel like they are making things worse.

Can INFJs be manipulative?

INFJs don’t always use their qualities for good, they can also be master manipulators — our intuition makes it easy for the INFJ to pick up on cues and find “weak spots” in people — prey on those — and then get what is needed.

Why do INFJs get ignored?

Some of the reasons that an INFJ won’t attempt to clear up misunderstandings include: It’s exhausting to attempt to change people’s opinions. People are going to think what they think, so why try to change it. it’s okay if you misunderstood the situation and want to keep a certain distance as a result.

What happens when you betray an Infj?

Usually INFJ’s have uncanny insight into people,so if someone has betrayed their trust ,first reaction is ,it’s hard to believe. INFJ’s are loyal to faults of their closed ones ,so depending on the intensity of the betrayal , the INFJ may give a forgive and give another chance to the person or doorslam on the person.

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