What are three accomplishments of Pericles?

What are three accomplishments of Pericles?

He successfully managed the crisis of Boeotia and Euboea which he had lost control of and that threatened key supply routes to Athens and facilitated Athenian control of the sea. Pericles is credited for making Athens the cultural, religious, political and economic center of Greece.

Who was Pericles and what were his 3 goals?

Pericles’ Plan for Athens He so dominated the life of Athens from 461 to 429 B. C. that this period often is called the Age of Pericles. He had three goals: (1) to strengthen Athenian democracy, (2) to hold and strengthen the empire, and (3) to glorify Athens.

What were some of Pericles achievements choose four correct answers?

He helped the spread of democracy. He ordered the building of the Parthenon. He helped form the Peloponnesian League. He rebuilt Athens after it had been ruined by war.

How did Pericles strengthen democracy?

Pericles helped to strengthen the Athenian democracy by creating paid public service positions, allowing people of any class to serve the city and taking power which had one belonged solely to the rich, who could afford to work unpaid, and spreading it around to everybody.

Which was the most important effect of the Peloponnesian War?

The Peloponnesian War marked the end of the Golden Age of Greece, a change in styles of warfare, and the fall of Athens, once the strongest city-state in Greece. The balance in power in Greece was shifted when Athens was absorbed into the Spartan Empire.

What caused the fall of Athens?

The arrogance of the Athenians clearly was a key factor in their destruction. Three major causes of the rise and fall of Athens were its democracy, its leadership, and its arrogance. The democracy produced many great leaders, but unfortunately, also many bad leaders.

Is Sparta better than Athens?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. This made Sparta one of the safest cities to live in.

Why did Sparta Not Destroy Athens?

First of all, as Sparta claimed, they spared them because of their great contribution during the Persian wars. In those wars Athens was one of the leaders of the coaliation and its men and ships helped won several battles that saved the Greek city-states, most notably Marathon and Salamis.

Who Won the War between Sparta and Athens?

Finally, in 405 BC, at the Battle of Aegospotami , Lysander captured the Athenian fleet in the Hellespont. Lysander then sailed to Athens and closed off the Port of Piraeus. Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC.

Who won the 1st Peloponnesian War?


Is there still a Sparta in Greece?

Sparta (Greek: Σπάρτη, Spárti, [ˈsparti]) is a town and municipality in Laconia, Greece. It lies at the site of ancient Sparta. The municipality was merged with six nearby municipalities in 2011, for a total population (as of 2011) of 35,259, of whom 17,408 lived in the city.

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