
What are three changes that the French Revolution brought to France?

What are three changes that the French Revolution brought to France?

About 17,000 were executed by guillotine. Identify three changes that the French Revolution brought to France. By 1799, the French Revolution had dramatically changed France. It had dislodged the old social order, overthrown the monarchy, and brought the Church under state control.

What was impact of French Revolution on France?

Answer. Explanation: The Revolution led to the establishment of a democratic government for the first time in Europe. Feudalism as an institution was buried by the Revolution, and the Church and the clergy were brought under State control. It led to the eventual rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as the Emperor of France.

What was an economic cause of the French Revolution?

Taxes were high and so were prices, but the wages were low. Unable to provide for their families the lower classes of France were also in an economical crisis, which was one of the things that drove them to revolt. Another major cause to the French Revolution was Politics.

What are the causes and consequences of the French Revolution?

2. Political conflict: conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility over the “reform” of the tax system led to paralysis and bankruptcy.

What were the main ideas behind the French Revolution Class 9?

The ideals of the French Revolution are Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Let us take these up one by one.

Who constituted the middle class in French society?

The Third Estate (The Commons) constituted the middle class in France. They participate in French revolution by protesting against the system of privileges and moreover to this they started to like the American constitution which has guaranteed the individual rights.

How did the middle class emerged in the French society?

Complete answer:The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of the middle class in France who were the change-makers from the third estate. They earned their wealth through an overseas trade and by manufacturing goods such as woollen and silk textiles that were further exported or bought by the rich class.

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