What are three contributions of Justinian?
He had a strong belief in Christianity and wrote laws to protect the church and to suppress paganism. He also was a prolific builder. He had churches, dams, bridges, and fortifications built throughout the empire. These three elements of Justinian’s passion came together when he rebuilt the Hagia Sophia.
What were the contributions of Justinian?
Justinian I served as emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565. Justinian is best remembered for his work as a legislator and codifier. During his reign, Justinian reorganized the government of the Byzantine Empire and enacted several reforms to increase accountability and reduce corruption.
What were the contributions of Justinian and Theodora to the Byzantine Empire?
Theodora, a 6th-century Byzantine empress married to Emperor Justinian I, is remembered for being one of the most powerful women in Byzantine history. She used her power and influence to promote religious and social policies that were important to her. She was one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women.
What were the major events and achievements of Justinian’s reign?
Identify Emperor Justinian’s achievements during his reign. Constantinople had new bridges, public baths, parks, roads, and hospitals. The emperor also built many grand churches, including the magnificent Hagia Sophia. He took back parts of North Africa, Italy, and Spain.
What cultural contributions did the Byzantines make in learning?
What were Byzantine contributions to literature? Librarians and monks copied and preserved Greek and Roman works. Homer’s epics and writings from Greek and Roman philosophers would have been lost. You just studied 14 terms!
What was the message of Theodora’s speech and why was it important?
Justinian and his officials, unable to control the crowd prepared to flee, but Theodora spoke up and gave a moving speech about the greater significance of the life of someone who died as a ruler, over that of someone who lived but was nothing.
How would you explain the iconoclast controversy?
Iconoclastic Controversy, a dispute over the use of religious images (icons) in the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries.
What were the causes and effects of the iconoclast controversy?
The immediate causes for this crisis have been hotly contested by scholars. Among the many suggested causes are the rise of Islam and the emperor’s desire to usurp religious authority and funds. The Iconoclastic controversy had a profound effect on the production of Byzantine images after their reintroduction in 843.
Do Protestants use icons?
Although American Protestants often claim that they are opposed to the use of devotional images in their religious life, they in fact draw on a vast body of religious icons to disseminate confessional views, to teach, and to celebrate birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, and sacred holidays.
Why are icons written not painted?
In the Orthodox Christian tradition, icons are said to be written, not painted. The Orthodox consider making icons more a form of prayer than art, and they believe the iconographer’s hand is guided by God. Writing an icon is a form of prayer. Each brushstroke is like a form of meditation.
What are religious images called?
A religious image, sometimes called a votive image, is a work of visual art that is representational and has a religious purpose, subject or connection.
What year did Luther appears before the Diet of Worms to answer charges of heresy?