What baby food can Crested Geckos have?

What baby food can Crested Geckos have?

Baby Food. Crested geckos definitely can eat non-bug food, and commercial powder food isn’t the only thing they can eat in that category. In the wild, they are used to eating a lot of fruit and nectar; in captivity, they thrive when given human baby food in sweet and fruity flavors approximately two times each week.

Can Geckos eat baby food?

Leopard geckos can digest baby food fine. Its ideal to use if you have a sick gecko thats off its food. Not only does it give it a nutrient boost but it helps rehydrate them.

What food can I feed my crested gecko?


  • Commercial crested gecko food, which is a complete balanced diet.
  • As a treat, provide a variety of insects, including gut-loaded (recently fed) crickets, mealworms and waxworms.
  • Sweet baby foods, such as peach, banana or apricot can be mixed with the crested gecko diet and offered as a treat.

What kind of baby food can I give my gecko?

Baby geckos can be offered small crickets and mealworms daily. Insects, in general, should be no bigger than the width of the gecko’s head. When lizards get closer to adult size, they can be fed insects every other day and be offered larger insects, such as waxworms, superworms, and Dubia roaches.

Do baby lizards eat ants?

Baby lizards are very independent. They can survive without their mother right after they come into this world. Baby lizards do not feed on milk, instead hatchlings can eat what an adult lizard eats from the start. They eat insects like ants, flies, non-poisonous spiders, and small worms.

Do baby lizards eat dead bugs?

Yes, they eat insects, roaches, plants, or even both. The only difference is the food ratio. Baby lizards only eat baby portions. For example, if they are eating an insect, the insect should be smaller than them.

What can kill a lizard?

9. Coffee and tobacco

  1. Mix coffee powder and loose tobacco, then shape into tiny balls.
  2. Take some toothpicks and stick these tiny balls on the tip.
  3. Place these ball-laden toothpicks around the house in places where lizards have been seen.
  4. Tobacco is poisonous to lizards and will kill them.

Why lizards are afraid of eggshells?

Eggshells Lizards dislike the smell that come from eggs (actually, come to think of it, many of us do too). They’ll keep clear of any spaces with that eggy aroma. Do note though, that you need to throw away the eggshells by the next day for hygiene reasons! Bacteria is way more dangerous than lizards.

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