What best describes the effect of sensory imagery used in this excerpt?

What best describes the effect of sensory imagery used in this excerpt?

what best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt? it allows the reader to correctly predict that doodle will never be able to walk. it helps the reader to better visualize the life that might lie ahead for doodle.

Which sentence from the excerpt is foreshadowing and why?

Which sentence from the excerpt is foreshadowing and why? Sentence 1 because it foreshadows that something tragic happened to the narrator in the distant past.

What is an example of imagery in the scarlet ibis?

There are lots of examples of imagery in “The Scarlet Ibis.” In the first paragraph, for example, the narrator talks about sitting in the “cool, green parlor.” This image of the parlor provides both a visual and tactile (feeling) image since the reader immediately imagines the green of this room and experiences the …

Which excerpt from the scarlet ibis most foreshadows that the narrator?

Which excerpt from “The Scarlet Ibis” most foreshadows that the narrator will feel regret for something he has done to Doodle? But sometimes (like right now), as I sit in the cool, green-draped parlor, the grindstone begins to turn, and time with all its changes is ground away—and I remember Doodle.

What does the imagery in this excerpt show about the narrator?

What does the imagery in this excerpt best show about the narrator? He enjoys nature and wants someone to share it with. When he was two, if you laid him on his stomach, he began to try to move himself, straining terribly. The doctor said that with his weak heart this strain would probably kill him, but it didn’t.

Which details from the scene with the scarlet ibis foreshadow Doodle’s death?

Answer Expert Verified. Details from the scene with the Scarlet Ibis that foreshadow Doodle’s death are the following: The scarlet ibis shares many characteristics with Doodle, and it dies. Aunt Nicey says, “Dead birds is bad luck,” suggesting that now something bad will happen.

What best describes the purpose of the foreshadowing present in the narrator’s words soon I could hear his voice no more it adds interest as the reader questions what kind of storm could be loud enough to drown out all other sound?

The statement that best describes the purpose of the foreshadowing present in the narrator’s words, “Soon I could hear his voice no more” is that, it creates suspense as the reader wonders why the narrator can no longer hear Doodle’s voice.

What does old woman swamp symbolize in the scarlet ibis?

In “The Scarlet Ibis,” Old Woman Swamp symbolizes the many facets of Doodle’s character: he is a child of nature, at home in the swamp, and like the swamp, he is beautiful in his own way. But the swamp also symbolizes Doodle’s limitations: nature, Doodle’s “mother,” will take back its own.

Why does Doodle cry when he sees old woman swamp?

He begs to be taken out, and whenever the narrator goes out to play, his parents tell him to bring Doodle along. The narrator pulls him in a go-cart to his favorite spot: Old Woman Swamp. Doodle is in awe of the beauty of the scenery. He is so emotional that he even cries, saying “It’s so pretty.”

Why does Tom initially decide not to accept the devil’s offer?

Why does Tom initially refuse the devil’s bargain? It is after he gets home and tells his wife about the incident. However Tom might have felt disposed to sell himself to the devil, he was determined not to do so to contradict his wife. So, just to spite her, Tom refuses.

What is Mrs Walker’s reaction to the Devil’s offer?

Mrs. Walker’s reaction to the devil’s offer is that Tom should do it.

What is the theme of the story the devil?

Greed. Greed is the central theme of “The Devil and Tom Walker.” It is greed that killed Kidd the pirate—for stealing things that did not belong to him—as well as Tom’s wife and even Tom Walker. Tom’s wife is willing to sacrifice anything to take the devil’s offer of riches.

What does the devil represent in The Devil and Tom Walker?

The Devil = evil, temptation, and the road to hell. The Swamp = the shorcut full of “pits and quagmires,” in other words this is a trap. Trees=look good on the outside, but rotten at the core. Chopped wood=ready to be burned.

What does the horse symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?

In the exposition of Washington Irving’s “The Devil and Tom Walker,” the descriptions of the Walkers’ “forlorn-looking” house and the “miserable” horse that have “an air of starvation” about them indicate the insensitivity and the stinginess of the owners.

What happened to Tom Walker’s money at the end of the story?

What happens to Tom Walkers money at the end of the story? It is buried underground, under a oak tree. The fact that the Devil is real and that you can do things for him for money etc.

What finally happens to Walker?

In “The Devil and Tom Walker,” the devil, or Old Scratch, returns to claim Tom Walker for his own at the end of the story. He arrives at Tom’s office on a black horse, puts Tom on the saddle, and gallops off with the hapless usurer in tow.

Why does Tom become religious towards the end of the story?

Toward the end of the story, after Tom has struck his bargain with the devil and received his riches, he begins to grow old. Knowing that he gave his soul to the devil in order to get his wealth, he tries to think of a way to back out of the deal and decides to put on a public show of zealous religious belief.

What does the narrator mean when he or she describes Tom as a violent churchgoer?

The narrator describes Tom as a “violent churchgoer” to emphasize Tom’s efforts at presenting himself as an exalted, pious human being so as to extricate himself from his apparent fate.

What is a violent churchgoer?

Tom is called a “violent churchgoer” because, when he begins to regret his pact with the devil, he becomes ostentatiously religious. He throws himself into the outward forms of religion in a vain attempt to cheat the devil without ever sincerely repenting of his sins or attempting to amend his conduct.

Where does Tom meet the devil for the first time?

Once day, Tom meets the devil in a swamp. The devil says he will show Tom where some gold is hidden. In return, Tom has to give his soul to the devil.

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