What bit should I use for a strong pony?

What bit should I use for a strong pony?

For both I thinka stronger snaffle is often more effective than a gag/ pelham etc. Waterfords can be BRILLIANT (what solved my problem) also try copper roller, cherry roller or a ported mouthpiece if that fails. I also find a fillis snaffle to be quite effective.

What is the best bit to use for jumping?

Here are my top 5 for jumping!

  1. Neue Schule Tranz Angled Universal. Control WITHOUT severity – My FAVOURITE bit for jumping.
  2. Stubben Golden Wings 4 in 1 Gag.
  3. Trust Flexi-Soft 2.5 Ring Universal. Control for the SENSITIVE mouthed horse.
  4. Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Elevator.
  5. Bombers Happy Tongue Williams.

How do you keep your pony from getting your tongue on your bit?

Scar tissue on the tongue and lips is extremely painful, and pressure on it should be avoided. Hackamores, side-pulls and bitless bridles are a good alternative in this situation because they put pressure on the nose, chin and poll instead of the mouth and tongue.

How high should a bit be in a horses mouth?

A bit should extend approximately a quarter-inch (0.6 centimeters) beyond the horse’s lips on either side, and it should fit comfortably across the bars (the toothless gap between the incisors and molars) of the horse’s jaw.

What is the average bit size for a horse?

between 5 and 6 inches

How do you know if a bit is too big?

A bit that’s too small can pinch the corners of the mouth, while a bit that’s too big can move around too much and clunk against his teeth. Rubbed patches or thickened skin at the corners of the mouth are signs of bad bit fit, but it’s better not to wait to see physical evidence that a bit doesn’t fit well.

How do you measure a bit shank?

Shank length (lower): This measurement is taken from below the mouthpiece to the bottom of the shank (not the bottom of the loose ring) and is generally done in centimtres; 5cm, 7cm and 9cm are the options available within the Neue Schule collection.

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