
What can we learn from Antigone?

What can we learn from Antigone?

The lesson I learn from “Antigone” is that you have to be ready to accept the consequences of your convictions. Not only is she loyal to her brother and her religious beliefs, brave when confronted with danger and death, but she accepts the consequence (death) before she ever acts.

What does Antigone symbolize?

Antigone and Creon act as symbols of honoring the gods versus honoring man. Antigone will not turn away from the gods, while Creon insists that you must obey the laws of man. Teiresias also acts as a symbol of the will of the gods.

What type of tragedy is Antigone?

Antigone (Sophocles play)

Date premiered c. 441 BCE
Place premiered Athens
Original language Ancient Greek
Genre Tragedy

What is Creon’s fate in Antigone?

Lesson Summary Antigone accepts her fate, burying her brother and accepting her death. But Creon refuses to accept fate, instead relying on his own wisdom. Creon’s refusal to accept fate is what ends up leading him to his tragedy and the death of his entire family.

Why does Antigone refuse Ismene’s help?

Ismene refuses to help Antigone, because she does not want to break the law by going against Creon or other because she realizes the consequences would be extreme since she is a woman. Ismene has resigned herself that this is the way it will always be, so she has stopped trying to rise above and be independent.

What happens to Ismene after Antigone?

Ismene agrees and exits to do so. Later in the play, in an attempt to force Oedipus to return to Thebes, Creon tells him that he has seized Ismene and takes Antigone away as well. Antigone resolves to return to Thebes, and Ismene goes with her.

What does Antigone use to kill herself?

Antigone’s suicide is described by a messenger – the sentries broke in through into the burial cave and saw her hanging by the neck with a noose of silk or muslin from her own clothing.

What are Eurydice’s final words?

What were Eurydice’s last words? Her last words were of that she mourned Megareus and her son, and cursed Creon for causing her children to die.

What is the role of Tiresias in Antigone?

The blind prophet, or seer, who warns Creon not to execute Antigone and not to stick so rigidly to his decision to disallow the burial of Polynices. When Creon insults Tiresias, the seer prophesies that the gods will punish Creon for Antigone’s death by taking the life of his child.

What does the last line of Antigone mean?

The final words of the Choragos are the moral of the play–pride brings about one’s downfall. Creon was too proud to admit that his niece was obeying the gods and acting morally when she tried to bury her brother’s body.

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