What can you infer about the kind of man the emperor is in the emperors new clothes from the following passage?

What can you infer about the kind of man the emperor is in the emperors new clothes from the following passage?

What can you infer about the kind of man the Emperor is in The Emperor’s New Clothes from the following passage? He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes.

Why do the emperor advisors tell him the swindlers clothes are beautiful?

Why do the emperor’s advisors tell him the swindlers’ clothes are beautiful? Because they can see the cloth that the emperor cannot. Because they believe they can see the cloth.

How did the Weavers trick the emperor?

The weavers kept everything given to them in their bags. They pretended to work on the looms on the imaginary cloth. They confused the Chief Adviser and the Special Assistant with the description of the magic cloth. Then, they came to the Emperor pretending as if they were carrying clothes.

Why did Burbank move from Massachusetts to California?

Why did Burbank move from Massachusetts to California? The climate of his native place was not suitable for his work and he moved Massachusetts to the State of California because the weather was mild and the soil was rich and varied.

What were the three techniques practiced by Luther Burbank?

Practical Pollination. Quantity Production. Grafting and Budding. Letting the Bees Do Their Work.

What is the risk if the machine is mishandled?

Answer: If the machine is mishandled, it results in the death of the person who commits the mistake.

Why is Luther Burbank important?

Luther Burbank, (born March 7, 1849, Lancaster, Massachusetts, U.S.—died April 11, 1926, Santa Rosa, California), American plant breeder whose prodigious production of useful varieties of fruits, flowers, vegetables, and grasses encouraged the development of plant breeding into a modern science.

Why was Luther Burbank a genius?

Burbank is a towering figure in horticulture, credited with creating the science of modern plant breeding. Over the course of his 55-year career, Burbank developed more than 800 new strains and varieties of plants, including flowers, grains, grasses, vegetables, cacti, and fruits.

What country did Luther Burbank help?


What did Luther Burbank invent?

Born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, Burbank received only an elementary education. At 21 he began a 55-year plant breeding career. In 1871 he developed the Burbank potato, which was introduced in Ireland to combat the blight epidemic.

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