What characteristics is unique to ottonian manuscripts?

What characteristics is unique to ottonian manuscripts?

Which of the following characteristics is unique to Ottonian manuscripts? Gesture and gaze conveyed the meaning. They had high intellectual and artistic qualities. What is another name used for the Utrecht Psalter?

How were the Ottonian manuscripts more advanced that the Carolingian manuscripts?

How were the Ottonian manuscripts more advanced than the Carolingian manuscripts? They showed tremendous intellect. How were the Gospels of Charlemagne different from the Ottonian manuscripts? The figures are full-bodied and wear white robes.

What is the most famous of the Carolingian manuscripts?

The Utrecht Psalter

Which of the following is an example of Ottonian architecture?

One of the finest surviving examples of Ottonian architecture is St. Cyriakus Church (960-965) in Gernrode, Germany. The central body of the church has a nave with two aisles flanked by two towers, characteristic of Carolingian architecture .

What is a clerestory?

In architecture, a clerestory (/ˈklɪərstɔːri/ KLEER-stor-ee; lit. clear storey, also clearstory, clearstorey, or overstorey) is a high section of wall that contains windows above eye level. The purpose is to admit light, fresh air, or both.

What is wattle and daub quizlet?

Wattle and daub. A sticky substance used for building walls; made from wet soil, clay, sand, straw, and animal dung.

What’s the definition of wattle and daub?

Wattle and daub is a composite building method used for making walls and buildings, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw.

What was the role of guilds quizlet?

What was the role of guilds? Guilds acted as quality control amongst their members and supervised the education and apprenticeship process.

What is wattle and daub art history?

A method of construction in which mud and straw (daub) is plastered over a woven lattice of wooden branches or strips supported by upright posts (wattle). Wattle and daub has been used for constructing walls and buildings since Neolithic times and is still used in many parts of the world today.

Where is wattle used?

It has commonly been used to make fences and hurdles for enclosing ground or handling livestock. The wattle may be made as loose panels, slotted between timber framing to make infill panels, or it may be made in place to form the whole of a fence or wall.

Is wattle and daub waterproof?

Wattle and daub, in building construction, method of constructing walls in which vertical wooden stakes, or wattles, are woven with horizontal twigs and branches, and then daubed with clay or mud. This method is one of the oldest known for making a weatherproof structure.

What is wattle made from?

It consists of a woven lattice (the ‘wattle’) which is daubed with a sticky filler material. Wattle is typically formed by wooden strips or thin branches woven between upright stakes. Daub is typically formed from mud plaster made from a combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw.

What is the meaning of wattle?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : a fabrication of poles interwoven with slender branches, withes, or reeds and used especially formerly in building. b : material for such construction. c wattles plural : poles laid on a roof to support thatch.

What does Daub mean?

soft adhesive

What does gingerly mean?

gingerly. adverb. Definition of gingerly (Entry 2 of 2) : with extreme care concerning the result of a movement or action : very cautiously and carefully These working dogs know how to use their jaws gingerly, without exerting undue pressure in handling the livestock. —

What does nestled mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to settle, shelter, or house in or as if in a nest the children were nestled all snug in their beds— Clement Moore. 2 : to press closely and affectionately nestles a kitten in her arms. Other Words from nestle Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about nestle.

What does ruefully mean?

1 : exciting pity or sympathy. 2 : mournful sense 1, regretful. More from Merriam-Webster on rueful. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for rueful.

What is a rueful smile?

Rueful means apologetic or remorseful. Rueful shows up a lot in descriptions of remorseful grins or apologetic smiles. If you’re sorry about something you’ve done but you can still laugh at yourself a little bit, you feel rueful. The word itself comes from the verb to rue, which means “to regret.”

What is the best meaning for the word ruefully?

adjective. causing sorrow or pity; pitiable; deplorable: a rueful plight. feeling, showing, or expressing sorrow, repentance, or regret: the rueful look on her face.

What does Prosopopoeia mean?

A prosopopoeia (Greek: προσωποποιία, /prɒsoʊpoʊˈpiːə/) is a rhetorical device in which a speaker or writer communicates to the audience by speaking as another person or object. The term literally derives from the Greek roots prósopon “face, person”, and poiéin “to make, to do;” it is also called personification.

Is Prosopopoeia a figure of speech?

A figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person is represented as speaking is called prosopopoeia. In classical rhetoric, it’s a type of personification or impersonation. In The Arte of English Poesie (1589), George Puttenham called prosopopoeia “the counterfeit impersonation.”

What is the difference between Prosopopoeia and personification?

So it is very closely related to prosopopoeia. “Menacing clouds,” “threatening ideas” etc. Personification is the act in speech and writing of giving inanimate objects, abstract concepts or actions, human or near-human characteristics but prosopopoeia is more extensive in its signification.

Is Prosopopeia a personification?

The Greek rhetorical term for a trope consisting either of the personification of some non-human being or idea, or of the representation of an imaginary, dead, or absent person as alive and capable of speech and hearing, as in an apostrophe. Adjective: prosopopoeial.

What is a personification definition?

1 : attribution of personal qualities especially : representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by the human form. 2 : a divinity or imaginary being representing a thing or abstraction. 3 : embodiment, incarnation.

What literary device is talking to inanimate objects?

Personification is a popular literary trope in which an inanimate object is described as if it were a person. This is one particular form of anthropomorphism, and also a form of metaphor.

What are the 5 examples of apostrophe?

Apostrophe Examples

  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. (
  • O holy night!
  • Then come, sweet death, and rid me of this grief. (
  • O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth. (
  • Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean – roll! (
  • Welcome, O life!

What is anthropomorphism example?

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics, emotions, and behaviors to animals or other non-human things (including objects, plants, and supernatural beings). Some famous examples of anthropomorphism include Winnie the Pooh, the Little Engine that Could, and Simba from the movie The Lion King.

What is the definition of pathetic fallacy?

Pathetic fallacy, poetic practice of attributing human emotion or responses to nature, inanimate objects, or animals. …

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