
What characters live in West Egg?

What characters live in West Egg?

Tom and Daisy Buchanan live in East Egg, the wealthy and desirable side of town. Jay Gatsby lives in West Egg, which is populated by inappropriate people who have made their money through illegal means, such as bootlegging.

Does Nick live in West Egg?

He lives in the West Egg district of Long Island, next door to Gatsby. Nick is also Daisy’s cousin, which enables him to observe and assist the resurgent love affair between Daisy and Gatsby. Nick is also well suited to narrating The Great Gatsby because of his temperament.

Who lives in West Egg and has new money?

He represents new money while Daisy and Tom represent old money. The distinguishing between east and west egg is the best way that Fitzgerald describes the difference in wealth. Gatsby is forced to look across the water from his house in west egg while Tom and Daisy get to lavishly live in east egg.

Why does Gatsby live in West Egg?

Jordan adds that Gatsby bought his mansion in West Egg solely to be near Daisy. Because he is terrified that Daisy will refuse to see him, Gatsby wants Nick to invite Daisy to tea. Without Daisy’s knowledge, Gatsby intends to come to the tea at Nick’s house as well, surprising her and forcing her to see him.

Is West Egg rich or poor?

While both East and West Egg are wealthy communities, families with inherited wealth, or “old money,” live in the more fashionable East Egg. In West Egg, by contrast, residents whose wealth is new, like Gatsby, conspicuously mimic European aristocracy to appear established.

Is West Egg old money?

The difference between East Egg and West Egg is that East Egg is largely populated by those from “old money,” while West Egg is populated by those with “new money.” Tom and Daisy Buchanan are from old money because their families have been wealthy for generations.

What is the main difference between the houses in East Egg and West Egg?

What is the main difference between the houses in East Egg and West Egg? In East Egg, the houses are older and more colonial looking, and in West Egg, the houses look more poorly built and “run down”. What does Daisy want her daughter to grow up to be?

What does West Egg symbolize?

West Egg stands for newly rich people like Gatsby. It is the world of those who make their own fortune and are not rich by birth. East symbolizes corruption, whereas West symbolizes goodness.

Are East and West Egg real places?

Fictional mansions Fitzgerald set his masterpiece in the fictional bayside villages of West Egg and East Egg, which seem to geographically correlate to the real-life communities of Great Neck (West Egg) and Port Washington (East Egg).

How are East Egg and West Egg similar and different?

East Egg vs West Egg The difference between East Egg and West Egg is that East Egg is a place of residence for the people who inherited their wealth, while West Egg is a place where people who worked for their wealth lived. East Egg was used to refer to the places where those with inherited or “Old” money live.

What does West Egg and East Egg symbolize?

In the novel, West Egg and its denizens represent the newly rich, while East Egg and its denizens, especially Daisy and Tom, represent the old aristocracy. Fitzgerald portrays the newly rich as being vulgar, gaudy, ostentatious, and lacking in social graces and taste.

How does Nick feel about East Egg?

He goes on to criticize residents of both Eggs throughout the novel, and in that sense, he also fits into East Egg, as the residents of East Egg tend to be more critical of others, as they feel a sense of superiority from their old money.

Are Daisy and Nick Cousins?

Nick and Daisy are second cousins once removed, and Daisy’s husband Tom is a college friend of Nick’s from when they attended Yale together. Nick says he spent two days with them after the war in Chicago. He calls them “two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all.”

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