What city is located at 22 degrees north and 114 degrees east?

What city is located at 22 degrees north and 114 degrees east?

Major Cities: Latitude, Longitude, and Corresponding Time Zones

Latitude Longitude
Hong Kong, China 22 114
Iquique, Chile 20 70
Irkutsk, Russia 52 104

Which countries in Asia are located entirely above the equator and below 20 degrees N?

Here is a list of ten such countries.

  • Australia.
  • South Africa.
  • Chile.
  • Argentina.
  • Uruguay.
  • Iran.
  • Iraq.
  • The United States.

What continent is 0 degrees and 20 degrees east?

Download coordinates as: KML The meridian 20° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Europe, Africa, the Atlantic and Indian oceans, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole.

What province in the Philippines is located at 16 N and 121 E?

Luzon, the Philippines Lat Long Coordinates Info Luzon, the Philippines is located at Phillipines country in the Islands place category with the gps coordinates of 16° 33′ 58.4388” N and 121° 15′ 45.4824” E.

What UTM zone is the Philippines?

WGS 84 / UTM zone 51N.

What country is 12 N 121 E?


What country is 35 S 149 E?

Canberra Australia _35 S., 149 E.

What country is located at 30S and 120e?

If you look on a globe there are only 2 confluence points plotted on the Australian continent, this point 30°S 120°E, and 30°S 150°E which is situated in New South Wales, so it was fitting that it ended up being quite a worthy challenge to get there.

Is it possible for a city to be located at 115 S 25 W?

Is it possible for a city to be located at 115 degrees North,25 degrees West? No,the highest degree of latitude is 90 degrees North or South at the poles.

Is it possible for a city to be located at 120 N 30 W explain?

Explanation: It is not possible for a city to be located at 120° S and 30° W. It is because the earth is equally divided into into two hemispheres, where the latitudes starts from 0° at equator to 90° at poles, and the longitudes starts from 0° to 180° measuring from east to west direction or west to east direction.

Is it possible for a city to be located at 30?

Answer Expert Verified. No, it is not possible since 30 degree north and 150 degree west describes a specific location within the vast Pacific Ocean. It is specifically 775 miles northeast of Honolulu, 1,850 miles west-southwest of Los Angeles and 1,950 miles west of San Diego.

What is absolute location mean?

A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. A place’s absolute location is its exact place on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude. For example, the Empire State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude).

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