What class does an earthworm belong to?

What class does an earthworm belong to?


Which kingdom does earthworm belong to?


Does snake poop smell?

How Bad Does Snake Poop Smell? Snake poop smells about as bad as any other animal’s poop. It’s made of the undigested materials of a snake’s last meal. For most captive snakes, this means the fiber, hair and claws leftover from eating a rodent.

Will a snake survive if cut in half?

The separated pieces of snakes and lizards may seem to be alive but they will eventually stop moving and die because their blood supply is cut. It’s impossible for cut vessels and organs and nerves to reattach or realign on their own.

Are pet snakes friendly?

Can pet snakes be affectionate to their owners? Snakes don’t have the intellectual capacity to feel human emotions like love or affection. So no, they can’t feel affection for you. They can, however, feel an affinity for you as a non-threatening creature that cares for it.

Do pet snake bites hurt?

You will probably feel the effects of a python bite because it can cause scratches, puncture wounds, bruising, and even possibly deeper internal damage. These bites may be painful during the bite and as your injuries heal.

What is the friendliest snake?

Most reptile experts agree that the Corn Snake, Garter Snake, Ball Python, California Kingsnake, and the Western Hognose Snake are the most docile and gentle-natured pets.

Is a male or female snake better?

Are female or male snakes better? Neither female nor male snakes are better in terms of temperament. There is no real difference, except in between species.

What pet snake should I get?

Ball Python. The ball python (Python regius) is currently the most popular pet snake, made so primarily by the crazy amount of morphs that are available as well as their generally very shy demeanor. Ball pythons, like rosy boas, are long lived snakes, with some living more than 30 years in captivity.

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