What cold water fish can live with Danios?
Good Zebra Danio Tankmates (Companions)
- Tetras.
- Mollies.
- Gouramis (similar sized)
- Plecos.
- Loaches (Clown and Yoyo)
- Barbs.
- Goldfish (Works best with fully grown Zebra Danios)
- Minnows.
What fish can be kept with zebra Danios?
An omnivore, the Zebra Danio should be fed a mixed diet of flake and frozen foods. Ideal tank mates include: Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Gouramis, Angelfish, Discus, Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Swordtails, Rasboras, Loaches, Plecos and Catfish.
How many Danios should be kept together?
Danios thrive in groups, the larger the better. Ideally you should have at least five or six danios, in a tank that holds at least 25 gallons (95 liters). A group of three fish in a smaller tank is acceptable, but can lead to stress or aggression.
Can Danio fish live alone?
Danios are a schooling fish, and I have always had better success with them in groups not less than 3. They will survive singly as well, but are always happier (subjective but viewable by their activity) in larger groups.
How long do Danio fish live for?
They also tend to be a short-lived fish, and most will only live two to three years in a home aquarium, though it’s not unheard of for some to live as long as four or even five years. People who has ever kept zebra danios, will often swear that these fish have a touch of ADHD.
Why is my Danio chasing other fish?
Zebra Danios usually chase and kill other fish due to inappropriate water conditions, including elevated toxins, low pH, and inadequate temperature. However, Danios may also attack their tankmates to establish a hierarchy or when the tank is overcrowded and features too few females.
What do you do with an aggressive Danio fish?
Minimizing Fierceness in Zebra Danios Aggressiveness in zebra danios often fades away once they’ve figured out their social ranking system. You can help to curb aggressive behavior, meanwhile, by making the tank environment more detailed. Ample hiding spots, like rocks, can be beneficial for minimizing fierceness.
How can I tell if my Danio is male or female?
Gender Differences Both sexes have two pairs of barbels and the same stripes, but females are usually larger. Males are a bit smaller and more slender than females. Male zebras appear more torpedo-shaped, while females tend to have a larger belly.
How long do Danio fry take to grow?
As well as reaching sexual maturity by 10-12 weeks, zebra danio fry will usually reach 75-80% of their adult size by this time. If you are keeping your fish in a tank with the correct conditions and a good and constant source of food then you can see them reach their maximum size within another 6-12 weeks.
How do I know if my Giant Danio is pregnant?
How to Know If a Danio Fish Is Pregnant
- Note the temperature of water in the aquarium. Danio fish usually spawn at temperatures in the low to mid 70s Fahrenheit.
- Look at your female danio. If she looks wider than normal, she is probably carrying roe.
- Watch your fishes’ behavior. Danios like to spawn in the mornings.
Will Danios breed in a community tank?
Danios will breed in a community tank, provided the water and lighting conditions are conducive to spawning and the environment is safe – free of predatory or carnivorous fish and with lots of hiding places for cover. So, if you’re ready to dive deeper into the reproductive world of the danio fish, then let’s begin!