What color tube is used for rubella?

What color tube is used for rubella?

ORDERING INFORMATION: Geisinger Epic Procedure Code: LAB3025 Geisinger Epic ID: 15185
Specimen type: Serum
Preferred collection container: 3.5 mL gold-top (serum separator) tube
Alternate Collection Container: 6 mL red-top (plain, non-serum separator) tube

What Colour bottle does folate go in?

Medical Test A-Z

Test Bottle top colour Turn around time (In days)
Serum Folate Yellow 1 day
Serum Free Light chains Yellow 7 days
SHBG Yellow 7 days
Sirolimus- see Rapamicine

What tests go in what color tubes?

Blood Collection Tubes

Tube cap color Additive Common laboratory tests
Lavender or pink Potassium EDTA Hematology and blood bank
Gray Sodium fluoride, and sodium or potassium oxalate Glucose (especially when testing will be delayed), blood alcohol, lactic acid

What are the different Colour bottles for blood tests?

The tests each bottle is used for are the same: the purple one is for cell count, the yellow one is for electrolytes, albumin and LDH, the grey one is for glucose, and blood culture bottles can be used for fluid cultures.

What Colour blood bottle is CRP?

Blood Yellow

In what order do you draw blood?

Order of Draw

  1. Blood Culture Tubes or Vials.
  2. Coagulation Tubes (Blue-Top Tubes)
  3. Serum Tubes without Clot Activator or Gel (Red-Top tubes)
  4. Serum Tubes with Clot Activator or Gel (Gold or Tiger Top Tubes)
  5. Heparin Tubes (Green-Top Tubes)
  6. EDTA Tubes (Lavender-Top Tubes)
  7. Oxalate/Fluoride Tubes (Gray-Top Tubes)

What is the correct order of draw tubes only?

This standard recommends that EDTA tubes be drawn first to ensure good quality specimen, followed by other additive tubes and finally, serum specimen tubes.

What is the correct order of draw when using a butterfly?

A winged blood collection device (butterfly) can be used for collecting a specimen as well. If it is used for coagulation studies, a waste tube must be drawn first. The waste tube is drawn first to remove the air in the tubing of the winged collection device.

What types of problems could occur if you draw out of order?

Order of draw is essential in avoiding cross contamination from additives of one tube to the next. Cross contamination, depending on the tests ordered, could cause seriously erroneous results, improper patient treatment and possibly death.

Which blood culture bottle do you draw first?

aerobic bottle

Which tube should be filled first in blood collection?

The recommended order of draw for plastic collection tubes is:

  1. First – blood culture bottle or tube (yellow or yellow-black top)
  2. Second – coagulation tube (light blue top).
  3. Third – non-additive tube (red top)
  4. Last draw – additive tubes in this order:

What happens when you leave the tourniquet on too long?

A prolonged tourniquet time may lead to blood pooling at the venipuncture site, a condition called hemoconcentration. Hemoconcentration can cause falsely elevated results for glucose, potassium, and protein-based analytes such as cholesterol.

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