
What compromise did Hamilton make?

What compromise did Hamilton make?

The Compromise of 1790

What did Hamilton like about the Constitution?

As a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Alexander Hamilton found some of his ideas about how to structure a federal government soundly rejected. Yet he liked the resulting Constitution enough to become chief advocate for its approval by the states.

What agreement was reached with the Great Compromise?

The agreement reached with the Great Compromise was to split the legislative branch into two houses.

Did George Washington agree with the great compromise?

His Politics: He was in favor of the President being appointed by the Legislature for a three year term of office. However, his most important accomplishment was the compromise on representation in Congress he suggested that broke the “deadlock” between large and small states.

How did the Great Compromise resolve the conflict between the Virginia and New Jersey plans?

How did the Great Compromise resolve the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans? The Senate would have two senators for each state; the House of Representatives would be based on the state’s population.

How did the great compromise combine elements of the Virginia and New Jersey plans?

The Virginia Plan was used, but some ideas from the New Jersey Plan were added. The Connecticut Compromise established a bicameral legislature with the U.S. House of Representatives apportioned by population as desired by the Virginia Plan and the Senate granted equal votes per state as desired by the New Jersey Plan.

What compromises were reached concerning enslaved?

The compromises were reached concerning enslaved people were The Northern states had already banned the slave trade. They wanted to prohibit it nationwide. Southern states considered slavery central to their economy. Northerners agreed to keep the new Congress from interfering with the slave trade until 1808.

What was the difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan quizlet?

what was the main difference between the virginia plan and the new jersey plan? the virginia plan called for a bicameral legislature and representation would be based on population, and the new jersey plan had a unicameral legislature and each state had the same # of votes.

What were the other compromises involving the president and the Supreme Court decided at the convention?

The compromises that were made at the convention involving the president and the Supreme Court were that some wanted Supreme Court to be picked by Senate and others wanted the president to pick the court. They then agreed it was president picked and confirmed by the Senate. Federal (National) laws supersede state laws.

What did the delegates agree on?

Each state would be equally represented in the Senate, with two delegates, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population. The delegates finally agreed to this “Great Compromise,” which is also known as the Connecticut Compromise.

Which does the Ninth Amendment limit quizlet?

The 9th and 10th amendments limit the powers of the government in many ways. First of all, the 9th amendment prevents the government from claiming the that the rights listed in the bill of rights are the only rights that people have because the people aren’t just limited to those rights.

What limits the Ninth Amendment?

The Ninth Amendment states that “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” But how do we know what those other rights are?

What is the 11th Amendment in simple words?

The Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on February 7, 1795. The Eleventh Amendment says that U.S. courts can’t hear cases and make decisions against a state if the state is sued by a citizen who lives in another state or by a person who lives in another country. …

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