What continent is the city of Jerusalem on?

What continent is the city of Jerusalem on?


Where is Jerusalem located in which country?

State of Israel

Which continent is Israel located?

What is the religion of Israel?

As of 2018, the vast majority of Israelis identify as Jewish (74.3%), followed by Muslim (17.8%), Christian (1.9%), Druze (1.6%) and some other religion (4.4%). Israel is the only country where the majority of the population identify as Jewish.

Which language did Moses speak?

Since the book that prophet moosah pbuh(moses) brought was in Hebrew,which meant that he spoke and knew Hebrew, and most of the people he was with spoke Hebrew. But the pharoah was egyptian so his first language must have been the Egyptian language .

What is the first language of God?

But since God is portrayed as using speech during creation, and as addressing Adam before Gen 2:19, some authorities assumed that the language of God was different from the language of Paradise invented by Adam, while most medieval Jewish authorities maintained that the Hebrew language was the language of God, which …

Does God speak English?

Does God know English? We may not stop to think about it, but yes, He does! Even though the Bible was primarily written in Hebrew and Greek, we understand that God can still speak to us through His Word translated into English.

What language does Islam speak in heaven?

Arabic language

What language did Adam and Eve speak Islam?

The Islam language didn’t exist 37,000 years ago, and neither did English. Adam and Eve spoke the Eskimo language because the Nodites who worked in the garden spoke it. Their ancestors, the rebels of Nod and his followers taught the Eskimo for 300,000 years before the rebellion.

Do we have to speak Arabic in Jannah?

No, you are not required to know Arabic to enter paradise.

Do angels speak Arabic?

So (at least one of) the language of angels is classical Arabic.

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