What could happen if you refuse a test to determine the amount of alcohol in your body?
If you refuse a Breathalyzer test, you will most likely face serious consequences. For instance, if an officer stops you and believes you are intoxicated, and you refuse to submit to a test to determine your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC), you may risk having your license suspended or even face jail time.
When you are taking medicine prescribed for you by a doctor you should Drivers Ed?
Calculate the Price
: Heavy amphetamine use: | Make a driver more alert |
The maximum fine for a first non-driving alcohol-related offense of possession or consumption of alcohol by a minor is: | 500 |
When you are taking medicine prescribed for you by a doctor you should: | Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to drive |
When you are taking medicine prescribed by a doctor you should?
When you are taking medicine prescribed for you by a doctor you should: Ask your doctor if it is safe to drive. You may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the left side of your vehicle: 3 inches.
When you hear a siren coming you should?
When you hear a siren coming, you should: Speed up and make the next exit to get out of their way. Pull over to the shoulder. Yield to the emergency vehicle.
When I hear the sirens of a fire truck I have to?
Pull Over to the Side of the Road Safely A firetruck, ambulance, or police cruiser will turn on their sirens to inform everyone that they need to get to their destination quickly. If you hear this siren and it is coming from behind you, then you need to pull to the right side of the road.
What does it mean when you hear sirens?
-Sirens mean severe weather is imminent or already occurring. You should actively seek severe weather information once you hear there is a possible threat of severe weather (such as a severe weather watch) and not wait until you hear a siren or other “risk signal” to act.
What do you do when you hear sirens?
What should I do when I hear emergency sirens?
- Do not panic. You might feel a little overwhelmed when you hear a siren and traffic starts to move aside but remember to stay calm and don’t panic.
- Slow down.
- Indicate.
- Don’t block roads.
- Be aware of other vehicles.
- Do not obstruct traffic.
- Move to the left.
- Never run a red light.
What does it mean when you hear sirens in your head?
What causes tinnitus? Damage to the middle or inner ear is a common cause of tinnitus. Your middle ear picks up sound waves, and their conduction prompts your inner ear to transmit electrical impulses to your brain. Only after your brain accepts these signals and translates them into sounds are you able to hear them.
What do Sirens look like?
Sirens were believed to look like a combination of women and birds in various different forms. In early Greek art, they were represented as birds with large women’s heads, bird feathers and scaly feet. By the Middle Ages, the figure of the Siren had transformed into the enduring mermaid figure.
What happens if you kiss a siren?
Legends say that the pure gold blood of mermaids holds the secret to eternal beauty. The Evil Queen hunted down their kind to extinction in her effort to stay young forever. Many have fallen in their attempts to hunt the few that remained, for the kiss of a siren is poison to all she doesn’t love.
What is the male version of a siren?
How do sirens kill their victims?
In Greek mythology, the sirens kill people by luring them towards the treacherous rocks where the sirens make their home.
What is a male mermaid called?
Is siren a mermaid?
Series Information Sirens are mermaids who are able to lure sailors towards rocky shores via their hypnotic singing, causing the sailors to crash into the rocky coast of their island, meeting a watery demise.
Where do mermaids live?
A mermaid is a mythical sea-dwelling creature, often described as having the head and body of a woman and a fish’s tail below the waist. Stories of mermaids have existed for thousands of years and span cultures across the world – from coastal settlements in Ireland to the landlocked Karoo desert in South Africa.
How do mermaids have babies?
Mermaids would most likely have babies not by laying eggs, but by life-bearing them in the ocean similar to dolphins. This means mermaids would carry their babies in their wombs for 9-12 months and then give birth to them from the bottom side of their tails.
Can a siren fall in love?
Sirens can manipulate feelings of love, whether sexual or platonic, and causes its victims to kill someone they love. It first charms its way through the victim’s defenses by reading their mind and pretending to be the “perfect person” for the victim.
How long do mermaids live for?
hundreds of years
What are sirens weaknesses?
A big weakness for the Sirens was beeswax, so they couldn’t hear their enchanted singing. Some soldiers like the companions tied themselves to the boat so that they weren’t able to leave it. The sirens had been companions of Persephone before she was ravished by hades.
Are sirens pretty?
The original sirens were actually bird-women on a remote Greek island, sometimes named as Anthemoessa. In some depictions, they had clawed feet, and in others, they had wings. But originally, they weren’t shown as being overly beautiful. It wasn’t their physical charms that lured sailors to their death.
Do sirens eat humans?
Why the sailors who succumb to this song end up dead is open to interpretation. Some believe that the Sirens are cannibals who consume the sailors that they lure over. The Sirens survived because their divine nature means they don’t need to eat anything.
Why are sirens bad?
They were cursed by both Demeter and the Muses and exiled to a small island, where they were forced to live alone. It’s possible that the Sirens sang to avenge the wrongs against them. Abused by life, they decided to become monsters and destroy the lives of others.
Is Poseidon a siren?
Sirens were not gods, but they were sometimes said to be related to the great sea-god known as Poseidon.
What color eyes do sirens have?
A siren born to a long line of sirens will always have blue-green eyes. Their siren ability is being able to control men with their singing (when they sing their eyes would either be pink or blue-green).
Does siren head exist?
No, Siren head is a fictional monster, created by The Canadian artist Trevor Henderson, in 2018, who specializes in the creation of strange creatures. No he is not, he is a Urban legend and a fictional creature, made by Trevor Henderson, so he is a fictional creature.
Can siren head kill you?
Powers and Abilities Mimicry: Siren Head has the ability to release sounds of news broadcasts, human conversations, sirens and screams. The latest sighting shows a five-headed Siren Head using its loud sounds to possibly kill off many people, as they were found with burst eardrums and soft tissues.
What SCP is siren head?
Is siren head real or fake Wiki?
Siren Head is a fictional cryptid created by the Canadian artist Trevor Henderson. It is an enormous emaciated being with a pair of sirens where a head would normally go, which are capable of emitting various noises both natural and man-made, including sirens, radio broadcasts, white noise, and human voices.