What country is basketball most popular in?

What country is basketball most popular in?

United States

Which state is basketball most popular?


When should I use the?

Use “the” with any noun when the meaning is specific; for example, when the noun names the only one (or one) of a kind. Adam was the first man (the only ‘first man’). New York is the largest city in the United States (only one city can be ‘the largest’).

What are the 4 definite articles?

There are four forms of the definite article in Spanish: el, la, los, las. The first thing you need to learn here is that these forms will directly depend on the gender and number of the noun you are using.

How many types of articles are there?

three articles

How many indefinite articles are there in English?

two indefinite articles

How do you spell Escuela?

school noun escuela, colegio (institución); estudiantes y profesores (de una escuela); escuela (en pintura, etc.)

What is Escuela mean?

school; college; school building

Is Professor masculine or feminine?

Le professeur (m) (the professor) is always masculine, even when it’s talking about your female professor/teacher! The nouns that express things without an obvious gender (e.g., objects and abstract concepts) have only one form. This form can be masculine or feminine.

What does what mean in Spanish?

Qué or Cuál As an Adjective Meaning ‘What’ or ‘Which’ ¿Qué manzana prefieres? (What/which apple do you prefer?)

What does Papi mean in slang?

little daddy

Is it rude to say que?

It is considered polite, but many foreigners (especially from other Spanish speaking countries) seem to think it servile and demeaning. If you feel that way, you can substitute ¿Cómo? or even the brusque ¿Qué? — but you will hear ¿Mande?

Why do you ask meaning?

However, “Why do you ask?” is fairly neutral in tone, and usually means that the person asking it is genuinely confused as to why the other person wants to know. It is also often used after the person has actually answered the question: A) “So when did you start your current job?” B) “Oh, donkey’s years ago.

What’s another way to say why?

What is another word for why?

wherefore accordingly
consequently ergo
hence so
therefore thereupon
thus as a consequence

Is why D a word?

(nonstandard) Contraction of why did. Why’d he wanna go and do a thing like that? (nonstandard) Contraction of why had. (nonstandard) Contraction of why would.

Is Darn a bad word?

Yes, “darn” is a bad word. “Darn it” is simply a substitute for the phrase “damn it”, and therefore, when saying “darn it!”, you are just saying “damn it!” with a slight change to the word to make yourself feel better, even though you mean the same thing. Darn is a verb.

Is where D a word?

Save This Word! contraction of where did:Where’d you go on your holiday? contraction of where would:Where’d you like to go?

What is the full form of we d?

: we had : we would : we should.

Who ll full form?

short form of who will: Who’ll be at the party tomorrow?.

Who d means?

who would

How do you spell we d?

contraction of we had, we should, or we would.

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