What did Billy do to pay his respects?

What did Billy do to pay his respects?

What happened after Billy broke up the dog fight? How does Billy pay his respects? He has his dogs, his family, and now he will be competing in the championship coon hunt.

Why did Grandpa accept the bet with Rubin?

Why did Billy finally accept the bet? Billy’s grandfather encouraged Billy to take the bet after he warned the Pritchard boys that he would put them in jail if they caused any trouble.

Why does Billy give Rubin the two dollars?

Why does Billy give Rubin the $2.00? Billy gives Rubin the $2.00. This is because he has “lost” the bet. He said that he would climb the tree that the ghost coon was in one more time, and if he wasn’t there, Billy would pay up.

How does Old Dan die?

One night while the trio is hunting, a mountain lion attacks the dogs. The dogs manage to save Billy by killing the mountain lion, but Old Dan later dies of his injuries. Over the next few days, Little Ann loses the will to live and finally dies of grief atop Old Dan’s grave, leaving Billy heartbroken.

Why does little Ann die in Where the Red Fern Grows?

In Where the Red Fern Grows, little Ann dies of grief after the death of old Dan. Old Dan died from the wounds he received after defending Billy from…

How did Billy save little Ann from drowning?

When he no longer hears the bark of Little Ann, his blood freezes. Billy realizes he can curve the lantern handle into a hook and fish Little Ann out of the river with a long stick. He saves her. When he goes home, he thinks about the lantern handle that fell as he prayed.

What did Billy do when he couldn’t save little Ann?

What did Billy do when he couldn’t save Little Ann? He prayed for a miracle.

Why does Billy keep checking the handle on his lantern?

At the end of Chapter 11, why did Billy keep checking the handle of his lantern? He couldn’t believe the handle answered his plea to save his dog.

Why did Billy tell Papa it was important to chop the tree down?

Billy tries this, but for days he doesn’t catch a coon. His papa reassures him, saying he just has to wait for his scent to wear off the traps. He becomes determined to cut it down, because he told his dogs that if they could tree a coon he would take care of the rest.

How does Billy feel about killing the tree?

Billy feels badly about quitting because he feels like he would have killed the tree for nothing, and he knows that is not right. He asks God to give him the strength to chop down the tree.

What did Billy realize about the way his father was talking to him?

What did Billy realize about the way his father was talking to him? He realized his father was talking to him like he was a man. What feeling did Billy get on his first night of hunting, when Old Dan bawled the first time? He felt like a knot had been tied in his throat.

What did Billy’s family think of his decision?

How did the members of Billy’s family feel about his decision? His father and grandfather supported him wholeheartedly. At first his mother wanted him to stop. After she saw that Old Dan had stayed on the bottoms near the tree all night, she agreed that Billy should get the coon for the dogs.

What did Billy do when he needed advice about hunting coons?

What was the next item that Billy needed, and why did he need it? He needed a coonskin to train his dogs. Whom did Billy talk to when he needed advice about hunting coons? He talked to his grandfather.

How did the magazine The fisherman left behind change Billy’s life?

He saw an advertisement for dogs in it. How was Billy’s life changed by the magazine the fisherman left behind? His grandfather told him how to make a trap that would catch one. How did Billy get a coonskin to train his pups?

How much did Billy pay for his dogs?

They are $25 each, and even though it is a lot of money, Billy is determined to get two hounds. He says a prayer and asks for God to help him get the pups. He thinks of a plan to save money for the hounds.

What does Billy’s grandfather give to him when he brings in his money?

His grandpa hands him a candy bag, and tells him to fill it up. So, Billy’s getting his dogs and a bag of candy.

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