What did Karana use Sai Sai for?

What did Karana use Sai Sai for?

What are sai-sai and what does Karana use them for? Sai-Sai are fish that Karana caught to burn on the fire to make the firer strongly and the flames brighter.

What is Sai Sai?

Saisai is the Internet for Africa. It is an Intelligent, Morphing, City Wide, Free, WiFi Mesh network.

What do Sai Sai fish eat?

They’re typically fed rice bran, soy, canola and fish by-products.

What does Karana do with Rontu after he dies?

On the way, Karana and Rontu see a flock of gulls. Karana puts Rontu down, but he does not want to chase the birds. Soon afterward, he is dead. Karana buries him on the headland, covering his grave with colored pebbles and a stick he liked to chase.

What is Karana secret name?

It’s after this time together that she tells Tutok her secret name: Karana (22.12).

Who did Karana meet?

Karana nurses the dog leader back to health and names him “Rontu.” Karana finds the necklace in front of the cave. Karana meets Tutok, and they become friends. She tells Tutok her secret name.

What do the Dolphins symbolize in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

The second time Karana sees the dolphins, she does not say much about them, but they became a symbol of good fortune and friendship during her last journey, and so they imply that good thing are in the future for Karana.

Why is it called the Island of the Blue Dolphins?

By Scott O’Dell In this way, the title reflects the worldview that Karana will come to adopt: that the island doesn’t belong to her (if we want to get technical about it, the title implies that the island really belongs to the blue dolphins), but to all the living creatures on it and near it.

What is the conflict in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

The main conflict in this book is resolved through Karana’s resourcefulness and her courage. The main conflict in this book is the conflict between Karana and nature (and a few humans). She is trying to survive all alone on the island. The only way that she can survive is by being very brave and very clever.

What did Karana want in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

As the only human on the island of he blue dolphins, Karana is left to develop her own moral code. Faced with the necessity of hunting and defending herself from the wild dogs, Karana need to make weapons, something that the laws of her tribe forbid women to do.

Why did Karana kill the Devilfish?

Although Karana seems to have disregarded such superstition, her disastrous battle with the devilfish could be considered a punishment for her violation of tribal law.

How did Karana finally kill the Devilfish?

Karana raises her spear to kill the devilfish (which are very tasty), but it shoots out a cloud of ink and escapes.

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