What did Lorenzo de Medici contribute to the renaissance?

What did Lorenzo de Medici contribute to the renaissance?

He supported the famous sculptor Donatello and the architect Brunelleschi. Lorenzo de Medici (1449 – 1492): Also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, Lorenzo de Medici ruled Florence through much of the peak of the Italian Renaissance. He supported such artists as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Sandro Botticelli.

How were art and architecture connected to the rise of the Lorenzo?

How were art and architecture connected to the rise of Lorenzo? -Lorenzo found solace in art and established the first art school in history. -Lorenzo discovered michelangelo’s talent and brought him into his family and was given his own rooms to live in at the medici palace.

How did Northern European artists and writers apply Renaissance ideas?

How did northern European artists and writers apply Renaissance ideas in their work? Artists developed new techniques to paint more realistically; writers addressed the themes of humanism and wrote in the vernacular. How did the Renaissance open the door to the Protestant Reformation?

How did Italy’s geography encourage the spread of Renaissance ideas?

How did Italy’s geography encourage the spread of the Renaissance? Because Italy was located on the Mediterranean Sea, ideas of the Renaissance could be passed along to other countries, and cities. By being on the Mediterranean Sea, Italy also had a direct route to the Muslims wealth of knowledge.

How did Leonardo da Vinci represent humanism?

Renaissance humanism, the guiding idea of Leonardo’s time, valued human dignity and education, while seeking humanity’s natural place within the universe. Because he loved the world as deeply as he studied it, Leonardo’s work now symbolizes this philosophy.

How does the Mona Lisa use perspective?

The realism of his painting is a result of Leonardo’s diverse scientific observations. From the study of human anatomy he developed a mathematical system for determining size in space, perspective that is incorporated in the way Mona Lisa’s torso, head and eyes are each turned a little more toward the viewer.

What does the Mona Lisa represent?

An emblematic smile It is a visual representation of the idea of happiness suggested by the word “gioconda” in Italian. Leonardo made this notion of happiness the central motif of the portrait: it is this notion which makes the work such an ideal. The nature of the landscape also plays a role.

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