What did Pericles do to increase democracy in Athens?

What did Pericles do to increase democracy in Athens?

Pericles set about toppling the Areopagus (ar-ee-OP-uh-guhs), or the noble council of Athens, in favor of a more democratic system that represented the interests of the people. He introduced the practice of paying citizens to serve on juries, which allowed poor men to leave work and participate in the justice system.

How did Pericles strengthen Athens position as a leader in Greece?

What steps did Pericles take to strengthen democracy in Athens? He increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries. Now even the poorest citizen could serve if elected or chosen by lot.

How did Pericles help Athens?

Pericles is perhaps best remembered for a building program centred on the Acropolis which included the Parthenon and for a funeral oration he gave early in the Peloponnesian War, as recorded by Thucydides. In the speech he honoured the fallen and held up Athenian democracy as an example to the rest of Greece.

Did Pericles support democracy?

Pericles (l. 495–429 BCE) was a prominent Greek statesman, orator, and general during the Golden Age of Athens. He was a fierce proponent of democracy, although the form this took differed from the modern day as only male citizens of Athens could participate in politics.

How did Pericles advance democracy?

How did Pericles advance democracy? Pericles advanced democracy by paying Public officials, who were not paid before, and he balanced the power between the rich and the poor.

What democratic changes did Pericles bring?

Pericles strengthened democracy in Athens by paying public officials. Pericles expanded the empire by building a strong naval fleet. Pericles rebuilt and beautified Athens.

How did Pericles achieve his goals?

A wise and able statesman named Pericles led Athens during much of its golden age. Honest and fair, Pericles held onto popular support for 32 years. He had three goals: (1) to strengthen Athenian democracy, (2) to hold and strengthen the empire, and (3) to glorify Athens.

How did paying public officials strengthen Athenian democracy?

How did paying public officers strengthen Athenian democracy? Poor citizens could be elected and all citizens were able to be chosen. What evidence exist to suggest that Pericles also pursued policies that were not democratic?

What is Pericles’s point of view about participation in democracy?

OHe thinks democracy prevents some people from being able to participate. …

How does Pericles feel about Athenian democracy?

Pericles describes Athenian democracy as a system of government where men advance on merit rather than on class or wealth. It is clear that Pericles views democracy as the best form of government and having adopted it, he views Athens as superior to their fellow city-states.

What is the difference between Athenian democracy and modern democracy?

The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government. The Athenian definition of “citizens” was also different from modern-day citizens: only free men were considered citizens in Athens.

Who made Athens more democratic?


Why was Athens not a full democracy?

Athens was not a full democracy because most people were not considered citizens and, therefore, could not vote.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Athens political system?

Weaknesses of the Athenian democracy include: The Athenian form of democracy was a contradiction in the sense that it did not allow participation of a large section of the public, namely, women and slaves. The Athenian democracy was not equitable, and it did not consider slaves and foreigners.

What are the four pillars of compliance?

For many years AML compliance programs were built on the four internationally known pillars: development of internal policies, procedures and controls, designation of a AML (BSA) officer responsible for the program, relevant training of employees and independent testing.

What are the five pillars of compliance?

Currently, institutional AML programs are based on the “five pillars”: internal policies, procedures and controls; designation of an AML officer; employee training; independent testing; and customer due diligence (CDD).

What are the four pillars of the Bank Secrecy Act?

The “4 Pillars” of BSA Compliance

  • Designation of a Compliance Officer. Someone has to be assigned ongoing responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act.
  • Development of internal policies, procedures and controls.
  • Ongoing, relevant training of employees.
  • Independent Testing and Review.

What are the seven elements of compliance?

The 7 Elements of a Compliance Program Are as Follows:

  • Implementing written policies, procedures, and standards of conduct.
  • Designating a compliance officer and compliance committee.
  • Conducting effective training and education.
  • Developing effective lines of communication.
  • Conducting internal monitoring and auditing.

What five 5 factors must a compliance plan include?

Does Your Compliance Program Contain the 5 Essential Elements?

  • Leadership.
  • Risk Assessment.
  • Standards and Controls.
  • Training and Communications.
  • Oversight.

What is the most important element in a compliance plan?

A compliance program must also include the OIG’s seven fundamental elements of an effective compliance program: Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct. Policies and procedures should promote the organization’s commitment to compliance and address specific areas of risk.

What are the three main parts of a compliance policy?

Compliance auditing/monitoring reports, trends and corrective action plans. Summaries of incidents, as well as self-reporting and disclosures. Evidence that recurring issues are being addressed and compliance standards are being enforced.

What is effective compliance?

An effective compliance program includes the development, implementation, and adherence to standardised operational compliance policies, procedures, standards of conduct, safeguards and written guidelines that outlines an organisation’s expectations of its employees.

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