What did Socrates considered the greatest evil?
They regard things such as wealth, status, pleasure, and social acceptance as the greatest of all goods in life, and think that poverty, death, pain, and social rejection are the greatest of all evils.
What is Socrates view on justice?
Socrates seeks to define justice as one of the cardinal human virtues, and he understands the virtues as states of the soul. So his account of what justice is depends upon his account of the human soul. According to the Republic, every human soul has three parts: reason, spirit, and appetite.
Why does Socrates argue that we should obey the law?
Socrates speaks on behalf of the laws and argues that he must obey, even if this means he will be put to death, and even if he was unjustly sentenced in the first place. Without the laws, he would not even exist. Socrates claims that to harm the state would be a greater crime than harming one’s parents.
Why does Socrates think that doing harm is never right even in return for harm?
SOcrates reminds Crito that even if he has been injured, he cannot injure in return according to his moral principles. Socrates believes if he escapes this would injure the state by advocating an individual can take the law into their own hands.
What does Socrates say about public opinion?
Socrates, on the other hand, insists that the truth is fully independent from public opinion. For this reason, there’s no reason to worry about how others perceive one’s actions, so long as they’re undertaken in accordance with the greater good.
What are Socrates reasons for why it is wrong for one to retaliate against those who do one harm Why would it be wrong for Socrates to disobey the sentence of the jury?
Socrates believe that it is wrong for one to fight evil with evil and there for retaliation would be invoking the wrong way to handle the situation which he is in. He believes that he would be breaking his own ideology and breaking his word to follow the laws if he was to disobey his sentence.
What argument does crito give Socrates sons?
What argument does Crito give regarding Socrate’s sons? Socrates’ sons won’t be raised and educated by their father leaving them as orphans. What is Socrates’ principle about not wronging or mistreating others? Never do wrong or mistreat others if mistreated.
Why did Socrates choose death over exile?
Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and sentenced to death. Choosing not to flee, he spent his final days in the company of his friends before drinking the executioner’s cup of poisonous hemlock.
What do you think Socrates is talking about when he speaks of that part in us that is harmed by unjust actions and benefited by just actions?
Analogously, then, Socrates refers to the part of us which is harmed by unjust actions and benefited by just actions. Socrates suggests that this part of us is far more valuable than the body, and that life would hardly be worth living if it were damaged.
How does Socrates defend himself against the charges?
Socrates defends himself by saying he was prophesied to be a wise man by the Oracle of Delphi. Due to the prophecy, he believes his spiritual mission is to question people. Through questioning, he hopes to illuminate the difference between true and false wisdom.
What is Socrates main argument against the possibility of teaching virtue?
Socrates explains that if virtue can be taught, then there must be teachers who can teach it. But Socrates says that it is impossible to find any such teachers of virtue, or to define who can teach virtue, and that therefore it must be assumed that virtue cannot be taught.
Is virtue inborn or acquired?
Virtues are acquired character traits; they are not inborn or learned through reason. Unlike intellectual or physical characteristics, moral virtues are habits we acquire by practicing them and emulating exceptionally virtuous people or especially virtuous actions. Through practice we may acquire virtuous character.
What is the purpose of Socrates discussion with Anytus?
At one point, Socrates calls Anytus forth and asks him if he can identify a person who teaches virtue. Socrates, for his part, suggests that the Sophists teach virtue—an idea that enrages Anytus, who detests the Sophists and thinks of them as people who corrupt the youth of Athens.
Does Socrates think virtue can be taught?
Socrates proposes the following hypothesis: if virtue is a kind of knowledge, then it can be taught (and if it is not, it cannot). Meno, remembering the two hypotheses proposed by Socrates, happily concludes that, since virtue is knowledge, people must learn it by being taught. Socrates, however, is less sure.
What is the soul according to Epicurus?
Epicurus maintains that soul atoms are particularly fine and are distributed throughout the body (LH 64), and it is by means of them that we have sensations (aisthêseis) and the experience of pain and pleasure, which Epicurus calls pathê (a term used by Aristotle and others to signify emotions instead).