What did the creature learn by watching the family at the cottage?
The Monster learns to speak by spying on the DeLacey family. He lives for over a year in a “hovel,” a small shed attached to the DeLaceys’ cottage. The Sorrows of Werter is a novel about the alienation of a young man, which underlines the alienation of both the Monster and Frankenstein.
How did the monster feel about the family that lived in the cottage?
How did the monster feel about the family that lived in the cottage? He loved them like a family. He wanted love and he saw them as a chance. It shows the monster has feelings.
What does the creature discover about the family in the cottage when he steals from them?
The monster learns the French language from the family and practices those words by himself. The monster sees that the De Lacey family has it all, but cannot understand why they seem so depressed.
What do we learn about the family in the cottage in Chapter 14?
Through the family in the cottage, the monster has learned about love and compassion. With the arrival of spring, there was another arrival at the cottage, a beautiful foreigner named Safie. The monster learns language by observing Safie’s lessons.
What happens after the creature reveals himself to the DeLacey family?
He discovers the horrid way in which he was conceived and how his creator regarded him. What happens when the monster reveals himself to De Lacey? They are horrified and run him out of the cottage.
What happened to the DeLacey family in Frankenstein?
DeLacey and Agatha are arrested and put in jail for Felix’s aid in the escape. Felix learns of this and returns home to Paris. The entire family is put on trial, found guilty, and forced in exile in Germany, stripped of everything they once had.
Who is the saddest member of the De Lacey family?
Chapter 12 Notes from Frankenstein Over time, as the monster watched the De Lacey family, he learned that they were sad because they were poor, and although all seemed a little disheartened, Felix, the boy, seemed the saddest for some unknown reason.