What did the creature realize about the old man?

What did the creature realize about the old man?

What did the creature discover about the old man? The old man is blind. What kindnesses did the creature show the family? He collected firewood, did chores, did not take their food.

What did Frankenstein discover?

His study of physiology- the natural decay and corruption of the human body. What great discovery did Frankenstein make? He discovered how to bestow(give) life.

What does the monster observe about mankind?

What does the monster observe about mankind? That mankind can not see beyond the surface. Even though he has do nothing wrong they outcast him.

What does the creature want most in life?

The creature wants to be loved and a companion the most in life.

How did Alphonse marry Caroline?

Alphonse married Caroline about two years after they buried her father. They did not simply have a marriage of convenience–they loved one another. Simply put, Beaufort is Victor’s grandfather, Caroline’s father, and Alphonse’s father-in-law/friend.

What makes the creature human?

Although he has been created in a scientific laboratory and left on his own, Frankenstein’s creature becomes truly human because he possesses emotions and thoughts that are intrinsically human.

Who is Victor’s childhood friend?

Henry Clerval

What disease does afflicted Frankenstein have?

Frankenstein REVIEW

What type of illness afflicted Frankenstein the day after he completed his creation? He became ill with a fever and delirium for several months.
Who took care of Frankenstein during his illness? Henry Clerval did.

How does Caroline Beaufort die?

Caroline Beaufort – The daughter of Beaufort. After her father’s death, Caroline is taken in by, and later marries, Alphonse Frankenstein. She dies of scarlet fever, which she contracts from Elizabeth, just before Victor leaves for Ingolstadt at age seventeen.

Does Caroline Beaufort die?

Impact of Caroline Frankenstein Though Caroline dies before Victor leaves for Ingolstadt, her character plays an important role in Victor’s life as well as to the story as a whole. In terms of story plot, Caroline’s character is used to move the story forward.

How does Alphonse die?

Father of Victor, Ernest, and William Frankenstein; husband of Caroline; uncle and adoptive father of Elizabeth. The emphasis on duty is clear in all of his dealings with his son. Alphonse dies of an apoplectic fit after hearing of the death of Elizabeth.

What was Caroline Frankenstein’s dying wish?

Actually, that age difference does clue us in to something: by marrying her dad’s close friend, Caroline keeps it in the family—just as she desperately wants Victor to do, by marrying Elizabeth. (That’s her dying wish.)

Is Caroline Victor’s mother?

Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein Victor’s mother. Caroline dies of scarlet fever when Victor is 17. Caroline was very involved in charity work — much like Mary Shelley and her mother Mary Wollestonecraft — especially for families in poverty.

What was Victor’s mom’s dying wish?

Just before Victor turns seventeen, Elizabeth catches scarlet fever and passes it on to Victor’s mother, who dies. Her dying wish is for Victor and Elizabeth to marry. His loss of innocence begins with his mother’s death and continues with his quest for knowledge at University.

Why does Frankenstein’s mother want him to marry Elizabeth?

Who does Victor’s mother want him to marry? Elizabeth since they are not blood relatives. Why does Victor reach Ingolstadt University with mixed feelings? Although he wanted to continue his studies, he did not want to leave his family.

What is the age difference between Frankenstein’s parents?

One year age difference between Victor and Elizabeth. Victor tells of his happy childhood, and how passionate he is about life and learning. Victor’s school friend – Henry Clerval is interested in heroes, action of mankind.

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