
What did the crucible criticize?

What did the crucible criticize?

Dealing with elements such as false accusations, manifestations of mass hysteria, and rumour-mongering, The Crucible is seen by many as more of a commentary on “McCarthyism” than the actual Salem trials.

How were McCarthy’s tactics similar to the Salem witch trials?

The Salem witch trials and the story of Joseph McCarthy are very similar; they both accused innocent people of doing things that were “bad” at the time. “Some accused of witch craft were burned at the stake all in the name of justice”(Brown).

How does Arthur Miller describe Senator Joseph McCarthy?

“McCarthy — brash and ill-mannered but to many authentic and true — boiled it all down to what anyone could understand: we had “lost China” and would soon lose Europe as well, because the State Department — staffed, of course, under Democratic Presidents — was full of treasonous pro-Soviet intellectuals.

Why are the putnams concerned about witchcraft?

The Putnams are eager to believe in the witchcraft accusations because of two separate reasons. They have suffered the loss of seven infants, they only have one child left, Ruth, who is now “sick.” Mr. Putnam declares that he comes from a large family and it can’t possibly be his genes that produced weak babies.

What conflict with the villagers is Parris desperately trying to avoid?

What conflict with the villagers is Parris trying to avoid? because he does not want to be blamed for anything. He wants to stay away so the people with not accuse his family and ruin his name. What important information does Miller reveal about Proctor?

What is the conflict between Reverend Parris and the village?

The conflict between John Proctor and Reverend Parris in The Crucible is that Proctor believes Parris is greedy, disregards God, and abuses his authority. Likewise, Parris believes that a group in Salem is attempting to usurp his power and that Proctor is part of that group.

What is Mary’s argument to Abby?

What is Mary’s argument to Abby? She wants her to tell the truth about what happened in the woods. Mary suspects if they lies continue, the punishment could be far worse than it would be now (spanking and reprimanding). Proctor is a strong, fit, confident even-tempered man who is in his thirties.

What is John Proctor guilty of?

(1594–1672) and Martha Harper (1607–1667). John and his wife were tried on August 5,1692. He was hung on August 19, 1692 in Salem Village, Massachusetts Bay Colony during the Salem Witch Trials after being falsely accused and convicted for witchcraft.

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