What did Zheng he discover?

What did Zheng he discover?

He traveled to many far away places, going all the way to the African coast and establishing trade relations with over 25 countries. He brought back all sorts of interesting items including animals such a giraffe and camels. He also brought back diplomats from various countries to meet with the Chinese Emperor.

What is Zheng He best known for?

Zheng He was a Chinese explorer who lead seven great voyages on behalf of the Chinese emperor. His seven total voyages were diplomatic, military, and trading ventures, and lasted from 1405 – 1433. However, most historians agree their main purpose was to promote the glory of Ming dynasty China.

What did Zheng He discover about Australia?

“There’s stacks of evidence that they were there,” he argues. “Wrecks, plants found in Australia by the first Europeans which had come from China, carved stones, kangaroos in the Chinese emperor’s zoo, Chinese jade, figurines and ceramics.”

What happened to Zheng He’s fleet?

Zheng He’s seventh and final voyage left China in the winter of 1431. He visited the states of Southeast Asia, the coast of India, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the east coast of Africa. Zheng died in Calicut in the spring of 1433, and the fleet returned to China that summer.

Was Australia settled or invaded?

Initial invasion and colonisation (1788 to 1890) The arrival of Lieutenant James Cook, and then Arthur Phillip in 1788, marked the beginning of ‘white settlement’. From 1788, Australia was treated by the British as a colony of settlement, not of conquest.

Why did China stop Zheng He’s expeditions?

In addition to political motivation, the new emperor had financial motivation. The treasure fleet voyages cost Ming China enormous amounts of money; since they were not trade excursions, the government recovered little of the cost. For all of these reasons, Ming China stopped sending out the magnificent Treasure Fleet.

What happened after Zheng He died?

After his death, China turned towards isolationism, banned overseas travel and burned all the ships and records of Zheng He. Yet, all of Zheng He’s superior accomplishments represent China at a focal point in history. After Zheng He’s death during, the whole treasure fleet was destroyed.

Why Zheng He should not be celebrated?

A Zheng He should be celebrated because he traded and got many foreign and interesting goods. A Zheng He should not be celebrated because his voyage took way too long to get those foreign goods. A Zheng He broke so many barriers, and explored so many new places.

What was the average number of crew on one of Zheng He’s voyages?

Terms in this set (47) What was significant about Zheng He’s fleet of ships? They were enormous (over 400 feet long and 7+ masts) , he had an armada of over 300 with a crew of over 27,000.

Why did Zheng He’s travels end besides his and his patron’s deaths?

With Zheng He’s death, the voyages ended. With pressure from the scholar officials, the ships were destroyed as well were records of the voyages. The Chinese felt that the expeditions cost more that the profits they made.

What was the final destination of each voyage Zheng He?

Document A 1 Nanjing China was the final destination for each voyage 2 In total | Course Hero. You can ask !

What was the purpose of Zheng He’s expeditions quizlet?

What was the primary purpose of Zheng He’s voyages? To spread China’s prestige, explore new lands, and establish trade relationships.

Why was Zheng He successful as a sea admiral?

Zheng He was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook the expeditions. His fleet followed long-established, well-mapped routes of trade between China and the Arabian Peninsula that had been used since at least the Han dynasty.

Did Zheng He circumnavigate the globe?

In 1421, Gavin Menzies challenged these routes, claiming that Zheng He’s fleet actually travelled all over the world, visiting the Americas, the Caribbean, Greenland, the Pacific, and Australia, establishing colonies, and eventually circumnavigating the globe.

How did Zheng He travel?

He went via Southeast Asia, sailing down the coast of Vietnam, stopping at Sumatra and Java and then on through the Malay Archipelago and through the Straits of Malacca, crossing the eastern Indian Ocean to reach India and Sri Lanka.

What technology did Zheng He use?


Which ethnicity ruled the Qing empire?

The Qing dynasty was the last of China’s imperial dynasties. It was initiated in 1644 by the Manchu, an ethnic group from the north who invaded Beijing and ousted the incumbent Ming Dynasty.

How long did the Qing dynasty rule for?

The Qing (or Ch’ing) dynasty, also called the Manchu (or Manzu) dynasty, was the last of the imperial dynasties of China, spanning from 1644 to 1911/12.

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