
What do the last two lines of the prologue of Romeo and Juliet mean?

What do the last two lines of the prologue of Romeo and Juliet mean?

Summary of the Romeo and Juliet Prologue The second stanza describes the young lovers and their dilemma. The third stanza tells how the family feud will finally end in tragedy, and explains the focus of the play. The last two lines remind the audience that there is more to come when the play is acted onstage.

What line is the prologue of Romeo and Juliet?

Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

What is the last line of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo opens the crypt and is shattered as he finds what he believes to be the corpse of his beloved. His final words, as he consumes a lethal drug, are as follows: Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!

What is revealed about the chorus in this excerpt from the prologue of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet chorus Two households both alike in dignity in fair Verona where we lay our scene from ancient grudge break to new mutiny where civil blood makes civil hands unclean From forth the fatal?

In the Prologue of “Romeo and Juliet”, by William Shakespeare, what is revealed about the Chorus is 2. The Chorus is sympathetic toward the lovers. In the Prologue of “Romeo and Juliet”, the Chorus tells the audience that the play is taking place in Verona, where there are two feuds that are enemies from ancient times.

Which is the best paraphrase of Benvolio’s lines?

Answer. The best paraphrase of Benvolio’s lines is: “I want to keep the peace, so put your sword away or use it to help me break up this brawl.” In Act 1 Scene 1 and Act 1 Scene 2, the introduction of Benvolio in the play reflects his concerning nature for Romeo.Bahman 23, 1397 AP

What does Shakespeare mean by Star-Crossed Lovers?

star-crossed lovers. Lovers whose relationship is doomed to fail are said to be “star-crossed” (frustrated by the stars), because those who believe in astrology claim that the stars control human destiny. William Shakespeare used the phrase to describe the lovers in Romeo and Juliet.

Is Star-Crossed Lovers good or bad?

It refers to someone having bad luck, because the stars or heavens do not favor him. This phrase refers to those lovers whose relationship is destined to fail, because people who have a strong belief in astrology are of the belief that stars actually control the destiny of human beings.

Who said a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life?

Romeo and Juliet

What does death marked love mean?

‘ – ‘misadventur’d piteous overthrows’ = ‘unfortunate sorrowful deaths’. 9 ‘death-mark’d love’ – primarily ‘marked out for death’, but also with a sense that, from the start, their love is stained and diminished by their future death.

Is death marked love an oxymoron?

“Death-marked love” is an example of oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side. It is a type of paradox. “Death-marked love” is an oxymoron because love is usually a life-giving entity.

What is death marked?

adj Death-marked marked for or by death, destined to die.

What is the meaning of and the continuance of their parents rage?

It refers to the idea that nothing but the deaths of Romeo and Juliet will make their parents (and their families as a whole) stop hating each other. The first part of the quote refers to the “continuance” of the parents’ rage. This means that their hatred of each other would continue.

Which but their children’s end Nought could remove in modern English?

Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which, if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. In the space after each line of Shakespeare’s Prologue, write a modern description of the line.

Which but their children’s end Nought could remove paraphrase?

[Chorus:] The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffick of our stage —Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare Paraphrase these lines from the prologue in two to three sentences.Bahman 28, 1395 AP

Why are Romeo and Juliet called Star-Crossed Lovers?

Romeo and Juliet are archetypal star-crossed lovers because they are not able to be together because their families do not get along with one another. Their love is doomed by fate, and both their lives are lost.Tir 16, 1394 AP

Are Jack and Rose star-crossed lovers?

It had recently been discovered that Jack and Rose were lovers and Rose’s current fiance Caledon was very displeased that Rose wanted to marry someone who was in a lower social class than himself. In an attempt to hurt Jack and keep him away from Rose, Caledon framed Jack for jewelry theft.Aban 2, 1396 AP

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