What do the songs represent in the Pearl?

What do the songs represent in the Pearl?

The songs represent feelings and thoughts that Kino and his family have at different times in their life. These songs are a tradition passed down from generation to generation in his culture. Song of the Pearl That Might Be – each oyster that Kino opens might contain a pearl that could change his family’s life.

What is the song of the enemy and when does Kino begin to hear it?

Song of Evil

What does the song of the pearl that might be represent to Kino and Juana?

Song of the Pearl that Might Be: The Song of the Pearl that Might Be is what Kino hears when he is diving for pearls. This is the sound of his own hope that he will find a great pearl that will provide his family with luxury and peace.

Who brought the Song of Kino Evil?

After Juana attempts to suck the scorpion’s poison out of Coyotito, the family ends up traveling to the town, where they are rebuffed by the prejudiced white European doctor. As the story progresses, Kino continues to hear the Song of Evil when his enemies approach his hut to steal the pearl.

What is the real reason the doctor comes to Kino and Juana’s house?

Kino is suspicious of the doctor’s actions but recognizes his ignorance and inability to argue with the treatment. The doctor informs Kino and Juana that the poison from the scorpion sting may return within the hour as he leaves their home.

Does Coyotito die?

Finally, in the novella, Coyotito is killed by a rifle shot from the hunter just as Kino attacks the hunter and trackers. The death of Coyotito, while sad, is central to the ending of Steinbeck’s novella.

Why does Kino attack Juana?

In Chapter V, after Juana tries to rid her family of the pearl, believing that it has brought evil upon them, Kino reacts viciously toward her, knocking her down and hissing at her like a snake.

What does Juana try to do with the pearl?

Juana tries to throw the pearl into the sea because she thinks that the pearl is evil and that it is going to destroy them. Kino slaps Juana and kicks Juana to get the pearl from her.

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