What do you call a channel that two bodies of water?

What do you call a channel that two bodies of water?

A strait is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. Most commonly it is a channel of water that lies between two land masses.

What two areas of land are separated by the Strait of Gibraltar?

The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow waterway separating the Atlantic Ocean (bottom left) from the Mediterranean Sea (top right). This 13-kilometer-wide waterway also separates Europe and Africa, with Spain and Gibraltar on the left and Morocco on the right.

What does the Mediterranean water do at the Strait of Gibraltar?

The narrow Strait of Gibraltar is the gatekeeper for water exchange between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. A top layer of warm, relatively fresh water from the Atlantic Ocean flows eastward into the Mediterranean Sea.

Which sea separates Asia from Africa?

The Isthmus of Suez in eastern Egypt connects the continents of Africa and Asia, and separates the Mediterranean and Red Seas….Vocabulary.

Term Part of Speech Definition
open ocean noun area of the ocean that does not border land.
outpost noun settlement or station located in a remote area.

Where is the border between Asia and Africa?

Isthmus of Suez

Is Africa attached to Asia by land?

Today, Africa is joined to Asia only by a relatively narrow land bridge (which has been split by the Suez Canal at the Isthmus of Suez) and remains separated from Europe by the straits of Gibraltar and Sicily. In that time, Africa is expected to continue drifting northward.

What city in Europe is closest to Africa?

Africa’s gateway to Europe It belongs to Spain. It’s a small city called Melilla. And it’s one of two Spanish enclaves in Morocco, marking Europe’s only land border with Africa. Melilla feels just like the rest of Spain: the same language, food, architecture, and currency.

Why does Spain own Melilla?

Melilla was the first Spanish town to rise against the Popular Front government in July 1936, thus helping precipitate the Spanish Civil War. Melilla was retained by Spain as an exclave when Morocco attained independence in 1956.

Which is the largest island in Africa?


Which is the smallest island in Africa?

The smallest island nations in Africa include:

  • Seychelles.
  • Sao Tome & Principe.
  • Mauritius.
  • Comoros.
  • Cape Verde.

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