What do you know about microwave?
A microwave works by sending electromagnetic waves at a frequency of 2.24 gigahertz and a wavelength of 12.2 centimeters through food. This in turn causes the water molecules in the food to vibrate, and the resulting friction with other water molecules causes it to heat up.
What are the side effects of microwave?
Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food. Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat.
Is use of microwave safe?
When used according to manufacturers’ instructions, microwave ovens are safe and convenient for heating and cooking a variety of foods. However, several precautions need to be taken, specifically with regards to potential exposure to microwaves, thermal burns and food handling.
What are the positive effects of microwaves?
You can directly control cooking time, thus you have much better control over how much power you use. They also don’t retain heat nor do they heat up everything in your kitchen. Microwave ovens use less energy than all conventional ovens or stoves since they directly heat up the water in the food.
Why is the microwave so important?
Microwave ovens are so quick and efficient because they channel heat energy directly to the molecules (tiny particles) inside food. Microwaves heat food like the sun heats your face—by radiation. Photo: The “cooking cavity” of a typical microwave oven. This strong metal box stops harmful microwaves from escaping.
How long could a human survive in a microwave?
One baby survived, though with severe burns to her body, in 2008 after being microwaved for 10-20 seconds. In summary, a baby will die in under two minutes but more than 20 seconds. For a full grown adult I suspect it would take at least two minutes, and the pain would be excruciating.
How do you stop microwave radiation?
How Do I Protect Myself from Microwave Radiation?
- Keep a distance, if possible from cell phone towers – the further you are away, the less radiation you will get.
- Add microwave shielding to your home and use a microwave radiation protection device.