What do you mean by dimensional motion?

What do you mean by dimensional motion?

In this lesson, you will learn more about motion in one dimension, meaning that an object is moving in a straight line: either forwards or backwards, up or down, left or right. An example of one-dimensional motion is the motion of the cars in the drag race video.

What are the components of projectile motion?

There are the two components of the projectile’s motion – horizontal and vertical motion. And since perpendicular components of motion are independent of each other, these two components of motion can (and must) be discussed separately.

What is projectile motion and its derivation?

When an object is in flight after being projected or thrown then that object is called a projectile and this motion under the influence of constant velocity along the horizontal and downward gravitational pull along the vertical is called Projectile Motion.

How do you use projectile motion formula?

The equation for the distance traveled by a projectile being affected by gravity is sin(2θ)v2/g, where θ is the angle, v is the initial velocity and g is acceleration due to gravity. Assuming that v2/g is constant, the greatest distance will be when sin(2θ) is at its maximum, which is when 2θ = 90 degrees.

What are the practical applications of projectile motion?

The applications of projectile motion in physics and engineering are numerous. Some examples include meteors as they enter Earth’s atmosphere, fireworks, and the motion of any ball in sports. Such objects are called projectiles and their path is called a trajectory.

What is trajectory in physics class 11?

When any object is thrown from horizontal at an angle θ except 90°, then the path followed by it is called trajectory, the object is called projectile and its motion is called projectile motion.

What is projectile give Example Class 11?

Answer Verified. Hint: When we hit a cricket ball with a bat, the ball will travel a curved path before finally falling into the ground. This is the basics of a projectile motion. Any particle moving through a curved path with a velocity at an angle to the horizontal will have projectile motion.

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