What do you mean by division of labor?

What do you mean by division of labor?

Division of labour, the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person or group of persons. It is most often applied to systems of mass production and is one of the basic organizing principles of the assembly line.

What is an example of division of labor?

Perhaps one of the most famous examples of the division of labor was the creation fo the assembly line by Henry Ford in 1913. The Ford Model T was previously manufactured with parts over the floor with an employee putting it together. Like building a flatpack from Ikea!

What is division of Labour according to Emile Durkheim?

According to Emile Durkheim, Division of labour is seen as the separation and specialization. of work among people. By separation, it is meant that various components of the work process are. separated. By this is meant that the various aspects that make up the work are set up into various.

What is importance of division of Labour?

The division of labor increases production and makes it more efficient by dividing the separate tasks of making an object among different individuals and thereby simplifying the job each person must perform.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the division of labor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Division of labour?

  • Advantages of Division of Labour.
  • Higher productivity: Practice makes a man perfect.
  • Lower costs:
  • Simplified training:
  • Inventions:
  • Greater cooperation:
  • Better goodwill:
  • Disadvantages of Division of Labour.

What are the advantages of Labour?

The various advantages of division of labour are gives below:

  • Right person in the right Job: Every worker is assigned the task for which he is best suited.
  • Greater Efficiency:
  • Better Quality of Work:
  • Saving of time:
  • Economies of large scale production:
  • Less learning period:
  • Inventions and Innovations:
  • Less Strain:

What are the benefits of Labour card?

What are the Benefits of a Labour Card?

  • Subha Shakti Yojana.
  • Nirman Shramik Jeevan Va Bhavishy Suraksha Yojana.
  • Nirman Shramik Shiksha Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
  • Nirman Shramik Sulabh Awas Yojana.
  • Repayment of debts to construction workers in serious illness Yojana.
  • Prasuti Sahayata Yojana.
  • Silicosis sufferers help Yojana.

What are the advantages of Labour intensive production?

Labour intensive

Advantages Disadvantages
Customised products are easier to make Quality of products can vary due to expertise of the worker
Less expensive machinery costs Skilled workers take time to train
Humans can use their own initiative and problem solve Skilled workers will be paid more than unskilled workers

What are the limitation of division of Labour?

The most common limitation to division of labor is the size of the market. By the size of the market, what is meant is the size of the demand for a particular commodity. If the size of the market is very small and demand of the commodity or product is not high, then division of labor cannot really be practiced.

What are the types of Labour?

Kinds of Labour:

  • Physical and Mental Labour.
  • Skilled and Unskilled Labour. ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Productive and Unproductive Labour.

What does division of Labour promote?

By breaking up the production of a commodity into small and simple operations, division of labour encourages the use of machinery and its introduction. Division of labour involves production on a large scale and therefore permits the economical use of machinery.

What is division of Labour and specialization?

In the first chapter, Smith introduces the division of labor, which means that the way a good or service is produced is divided into a number of tasks that are performed by different workers, instead of all the tasks being done by the same person. …

Which industry is an example of Labour Specialisation?

In the process of producing cars, there will be a high degree of labour specialisation. Some will work on marketing. Some workers will work on different sections of the assembly line. Their job may be highly specific such as putting on tyres e.t.c.

Is also known as a division of labor?

Work specialization is also known as division of labor.

What is the principle of division?

This principle states that every work should be divided into the smallest possible part and each such part is to be performed by an individual person (laborer). Instead of assigning the whole work to an individual, it’s better to assign one task to one person.

What is another word for division of labor?

Other relevant words (noun): production line, assembly line.

How does the division of labor increase productivity?

How does division of labor increase productivity? By dividing up the individual tasks that make up a job so that people become experts at the specific tasks; an economy can produce more with the same inputs of land, labor, and capital when each person specializes in a specific task.

Which of the following best describes the division of labor?

Division of work is also known as division of labour. Division of work refers to course of tasks assigned to a group of workers to increase the efficiency. It is the breaking down of a job so as to have a number of different tasks that make up a whole.

What are some words for division?


  • 1 separation, apportionment, allotment, distribution.
  • 4 boundary, demarcation.
  • 5 compartment, segment.
  • 6 breach, rift, disunion, rupture, estrangement, alienation.

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