What do you mean by Fedai?

What do you mean by Fedai?

Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association of India (FEDAI) was set up in 1958 as an Association of banks dealing in foreign exchange in India (typically called Authorised Dealers – ADs) as a self regulatory body and is incorporated under Section 25 of The Companies Act, 1956.

What are Fedai rules?

FEDAI prescribes rules regarding trading hours, Exchange rate, Crystallization, of foreign currency, extension/cancellation of contracts etc. The FEDAI rules govern all Authorised Dealers of foreign exchange in India. Some of the important rules of FEDAI are as under.

What is the role of RBI in foreign exchange market?

RBI has an important role to play in regulating & managing Foreign Exchange of the country. It manages forex and gold reserves of the nation. On a given day, the foreign exchange rate reflects the demand for and supply of foreign exchange arising from trade and capital transactions.

Who are the members of Fedai?

Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association of India. Bank of America N.A. Deutsche Bank A.G. JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.

How many Fedai rules are there?


  • FEDAI Rules-1-Hours-Of-Business.
  • FEDAI Rules-2-Export-Transactions.
  • FEDAI Rules-3-Import-Transactions.
  • FEDAI Rules-4-Merchanting-Tradeing.
  • FEDAI Rules-5-Clean-Instruments.
  • FEDAI Rules-6-Guarantees.
  • FEDAI Rules-7-Exchange-Contracts.

What is Bill crystallisation?

However, if export bills are not realized even after 30 days of its maturity, bank withdraws the facility of low interest rate by delinking the bills by converting commercial rate of interest. This is called crystallization of export bills. Crystallization of bills is also called delinking of export bills.

What is Raloo rate?

Raloo rate is an indicative rate, that uses by the financial institutions to measure value in domestic currency of a foreign currency, it is more for convenience and for using same rate by different offices for analysis and processing.

What is the full form of Crilc?

Reporting of Large Exposures to Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC) – UCBs.

What are direct and indirect exchange rates?

Direct quotation is where the cost of one unit of foreign currency is given in units of local currency, whereas indirect quotation is where the cost of one unit of local currency is given in units of foreign currency. An extra column is provided for entering indirect exchange rates.

How does foreign exchange help the economy?

Exchange rates directly impact international trade. Low exchange rates support tourism and the export economy. At that point, domestic goods become less expensive for foreign buyers. Consumers then have more purchasing power to spend on imported goods.

How does a country earns foreign exchange?

The country’s exporters deposit foreign currency into their local banks. They transfer the currency to the central bank. Exporters are paid by their trading partners in U.S. dollars, euros, or other currencies. The exporters exchange them for the local currency.

Do banks buy foreign currency?

Currency Exchange at Banks Most major banks will exchange your U.S. dollars for a foreign currency if you have a checking or savings account with the institution. In some cases, a bank will exchange currency if you have a credit card with the bank.

Why do countries buy US dollars?

Standing on Its Own as the World’s Reserve Currency Instead of gold reserves, other countries accumulated reserves of U.S. dollars. Needing a place to store their dollars, countries began buying U.S. Treasury securities, which they considered to be a safe store of money.

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