What do you mean by sundry?
(Entry 1 of 2) : including many things of different kinds : miscellaneous, various sundry items/articles The interior was padded and crammed with little pockets and nets for hatboxes and sundry possessions.—
What is a sundry bank account?
SUNDRY ACCOUNT is an account where miscellaneous items are recorded, e.g. infrequent transactions involving customers or suppliers that are not tracked in the normal course of business.
What is sundry account used for?
Sundry means “of various kinds”; “several”. Accordingly, Sundry account refers to the account used to record miscellaneous items. These are usually the transactions involving irregular customers or suppliers who are not part of the normal business transactions.
What goes in the sundry accounts?
In simple words, Sundry expenses are those expenses done in the regular course of business but are random. Such expenses are relatively small and infrequent and, as such, do not assign to Individual Ledger accounts.
What are examples of sundry expenses?
Examples of Sundry Expenses There are no hard and fast rules for categorizing expenses as sundries but they should definitely not include any regular payments or capital expenses. Examples may include expenses related to bank service charges, gifts & flowers, festival celebration, donations, etc.
What is sundry income example?
Sundry income, also called miscellaneous income or other operating income, is generated from sources other than a company’s normal business operation. Examples of sundry income include royalties, foreign exchange gains, profits on the sales of minor assets, and late fees.
Why is it called sundry?
Sundry means various, miscellaneous, or diverse. The term sundry comes from when bookkeeping was more of a manual task. Bookkeepers had to handle the books by hand and had to add a page to the company’s ledger for every new customer. So, bookkeepers added one page called sundry which those customers can be recorded.
Where does sundry come from?
“Sundry” comes from the Old English word syndrig, which meant “separate, apart, special”. This connects it with many words that have the theorized ProtoIndoEuropean root, *sen(e), which has to do with separation.
How do you use the word sundry?
Sundry in a Sentence 🔉
- Because I was unsure of the San Francisco weather, I packed a sundry of clothing items to wear.
- The store at the summer camp facility will carry a number of sundry items just in case you forget something from home.
What is assorted?
adjective. consisting of different or various kinds; miscellaneous: assorted flavors; assorted sizes. consisting of selected kinds; arranged in sorts or varieties: rows of assorted vegetables.
What is assorted color?
Assorted means you’ll get a random color in order to get prime shipping. Black is impossible to find.
What is assorted vegetable?
Mixed vegetables refer to ready to use combination of cut vegetables. The vegetables may be chopped, sliced, cubed or in juliennes. The typical vegetables included in mixed vegetable are cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, French beans and peas.
Is diversify a word?
Diversify means to vary in type. It’s often used to discuss risk in financial activities. You might diversify your investments by spreading your wealth among different types of stocks. You may have noticed that diversify looks like the word diverse, an adjective that describes showing variety and difference.
What’s another word for diversify?
What is another word for diversify?
change | vary |
mix | modify |
transform | variegate |
enlarge | permutate |
widen | assort |
What is diversify in English?
transitive verb. 1 : to make diverse or composed of unlike elements : give variety to diversify a course of study. 2 : to balance (an investment portfolio) defensively by dividing funds among securities (see security sense 3) of different industries or of different classes diversify your investments.
What is the word diversify mean?
to become varied or different, or to make something varied or different: [ T ] People are advised to diversify their investments in the stock market to reduce risk.
What is diversify in finance?
Diversification is a technique that reduces risk by allocating investments across various financial instruments, industries, and other categories. It aims to maximize returns by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event.
What does diversified person mean?
“A person who is made up of distinct or unlike elements”? If we want to call attention to the things that are different, it would be better to say exactly what is different. For example, “a person of diverse interests” or “a person of diverse skills”.
What does it mean to be in favor?
: approved of, supported, or popular Her theories are no longer in favor.