What do you mean by symbolize?

What do you mean by symbolize?

1 : to serve as a symbol of. 2 : to represent, express, or identify by a symbol. intransitive verb. : to use symbols or symbolism.

Is there a word symbolizes?

verb (used with object), sym·bol·ized, sym·bol·iz·ing. to be a symbol of; stand for or represent in the manner of a symbol. to represent by a symbol or symbols.

What word class is Symbolise?

verb (used with object), sym·bol·ized, sym·bol·iz·ing. verb (used without object), sym·bol·ized, sym·bol·iz·ing. to use symbols.

Is it symbolize or Symbolise?

As verbs the difference between symbolize and symbolise is that symbolize is to be symbolic of; to represent while symbolise is to be symbolic of; to represent.

What is another word for symbolizes?

What is another word for symbolize?

represent embody
indicate exemplify
signify personify
denote typify
illustrate mean

How can fire destroy the world?

Fire can destroy your house and all of your possessions in less than an hour, and it can reduce an entire forest to a pile of ash and charred wood. It’s also a terrifying weapon, with nearly unlimited destructive power. Fire kills more people every year than any other force of nature.

Can hatred destroy the world?

yes ofcourse hatred can destroy the world as the poet also said that if the world had to perish twice so Ice would suffice if people start hating each other so there would be a time when this hate would make them a beast who can kill others.

What emotions are associated with fire and ice?

‘Fire and Ice’ is a poem that tells about the end of world. The poem is revolving around the theme that human emotions are destructive. Fire stands for passion and desire and ice stands for hatred. Both the emotions are dangerous and may bring the world to an end.

How are fire and ice used as symbols of human emotions?

The symbols-‘Fire’ and ‘Ice’ have been used for human emotions like desire and hatred respectively. As fire can spread very fast and cause a great destruction in no time likewise our desires may also prove very destructive if they go out of control. Hatred causes slow destruction like ice but it is also very harmful.

What emotion does fire represent?

The fire element provides warmth, enthusiasm, and creativity; however, an excess of it can bring aggression, impatience, and impulsive behavior. In the same way, fire provides heat and warmth; however, an excess can also burn. Fire is associated with negative emotions of hate and the positive emotion is joy.

What are hot emotions?

Hot emotions are those that are experienced with a high level of arousal and a ‘hot’ state is related to high levels of interest, emotion or activity. One reason that emotions are called hot is that we actually feel hotter as adrenaline is released and blood flows to muscles making us feel more energetic.

How can you tell if someone is cold hearted?

19 Traits That Reveal A Cold-Hearted Person

  1. They are uncaring and unempathetic.
  2. They are distant and detached.
  3. They come across as superior and unkind.
  4. They are often self-centered and self-absorbed.
  5. They are untrusting and untrustworthy.
  6. They are self-reliant and stubborn.
  7. They are controlling.

How cold is empathy gap?

A hot-cold empathy gap is a cognitive bias in which people underestimate the influences of visceral drives on their own attitudes, preferences, and behaviors. The most important aspect of this idea is that human understanding is “state-dependent”.

What is cold rage?

The etymology of cold rage is quite obvious and describes the emotion quite well. It is rage, because it burns and empowers us to do things we cannot normally do. It is the feeling of “not doing enough”, the feeling of “not being enough” and the desire to make sure this stops.

What is silent anger?

Silent rage is no secret, even though it’s silent. Most communication is nonverbal, and you can rest assured that your eyes, expressions, voice tone and mannerisms are communicating your suppressed rage and anger. It got this way because you don’t know what to do about your anger, and it just kept building.

What are the four types of anger?

Understanding four common types of anger.

  • Justifiable Anger.
  • Annoyance Anger.
  • Aggressive Anger.

What Bible says about anger?

“Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.”

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