What do you say to an Indonesian girl?

What do you say to an Indonesian girl?

How To Praise Woman or Girl’s Beauty in Indonesian

  • Kamu cantik : Ka – mu can – tik (You are beautiful/pretty)
  • Kamu manis : Ka – mu ma – nis (You are sweet)
  • Kamu imut : Ka – mu i – mut ( You are cute)
  • Kamu sexy : Ka – mu se – xy (You are sexy)

How do you say beautiful girl in Indonesian?

Beautiful Girl Meaning in Indonesian As English and Indonesian word have different noun word order, if translated as a whole into Indonesian, beautiful girl will mean “gadis cantik.”

How do you compliment someone in Indonesia?

Some of these Indonesian compliments are easier than others to break down!…2. Complimenting in the Office

  1. Tetaplah membuat kemajuan! “Keep making progress!”
  2. Kerja bagus, maju terus dengan kliennya! “Good job, keep making progress with the client!”
  3. Luar biasa, semangat terus! “Outstanding, keep the pace strong!”

What is Banget?

The word banget is used in Indonesian meaning ugly,very,extremely,bored.

How do you say goodnight in Indonesian?

Good night in Indonesian is ‘Selamat malam’, and it is the same translation of ‘good evening’ too.

What is Selamat tidur?

selamat tidur mean good night before you sleep.

How do you say goodbye in Bahasa?

sampe jumpa, bye (goodbye)

How do you tell a girl goodnight?

Some of these flirty good night messages may include:

  1. Sleep tight Sexy! I’ll be dreaming of you!
  2. Good night, the love of my life. Sweet dreams!
  3. Get some rest!
  4. Goodnight, most handsome guy/ prettiest girl in my life.
  5. “Sleep tonight, sweetheart.
  6. Night night, baby.
  7. “Good night sweetness.
  8. How Do I Say Goodnight to Her?

Is it weird to say goodnight to a girl?

The short answer is that no, it’s not weird to send a good night text or simple goodnight messages to a friend. Many friends do that, especially close friends or best friends.

Is it rude to go to bed without saying goodnight?

No, it is not considered rude. It is considered an indication that the poor thing was really tired. Oh, and give her a goodnight kiss and cover her up so she’s all snuggly. No, it is not rude.

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