What does a cirrus cloud bring?

What does a cirrus cloud bring?

Cirrus clouds are the most common of the high clouds. They are composed of ice and are thin, wispy clouds blown in high winds into long streamers. Cirrus clouds are usually white and predict fair to pleasant weather. By watching the movement of cirrus clouds you can tell from which direction weather is approaching.

Can you make a cloud at home?

Turn the lid upside down and place it on the top of the jar. Place several ice cubes onto the lid, and allow it to rest on the top of the jar for about 20 seconds. Remove the lid, quickly spray a bit of hairspray into the jar, and then replace the lid with the ice still on top. Watch the cloud form.

How do you match a cloud in a jar?


  1. First, pour 1 cup of hot water into a 4 cup jar.
  2. Have a grown up light a match and place it inside the far.
  3. Drop the match into the jar.
  4. Place the lid on the jar (it doesn’t need to screw on, just keep the water vapor from escaping).
  5. Wait for 1 to 2 minutes.
  6. Observe the cloud inside your jar.

How do you make a cloud in a bottle with a match?

Carefully light a match and hold the match near the opening of the bottle. Then drop the match in the bottle and quickly put on the cap, trapping the smoke inside. Dust, smoke or other particles in the air is the second ingredient to make a cloud. Once again, slowly squeeze the bottle hard and release.

What is the science behind rain cloud in a jar?

When water droplets grow heavy enough, gravity pulls them down as raindrops. Making a rain cloud in a jar is obviously a simplistic model of how it actually rains, but it gives young children a hands-on visual that is extremely valuable to their learning.

Can you trap smoke in a jar?

Yup thats right you can trap smoke in a jar.

Can you trap smoke forever?

Your bubble will quickly attain thermal equilibrium. Therefore, you cannot have long-lasting smoke-like structures in gases in your bubble – unless you ensure that it is not in thermal equilibrium, e.g., by permanently heating it from one side.

Can smoke be bottled?

Smoke from a fire is is fine particulates suspended in the atmosphere. Once in the bottle, they will tend to stay there once sealed. But, they will not stay in suspension, but ratehr settle to the bottom and for a coating.

What happens if you trap smoke inside a box?

Some of the gas molecules emitted with the smoke (in particular, carbon dioxide, sulpher oxides, and water vapor, may remain in the air indefinitely, but many will still stick to a wall that is colder than the air inside the box, and once there, will chemically combine.

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