What does a just government mean?

What does a just government mean?

A just government is fair to all people that it governs. This includes not only the governed, but also the governors. Subjecting the governors to the same laws as the governed will help to ensure that no one group’s interests are served at the expense of others.

What does it mean to have a just government?

A just government is just a government that acts in accordance with the principles of justice. Then you read a stock “[X] philosopher’s ideas are the most just”. Thus, a just government is one that acts upon that philosopher’s ideas.

What gives one person the right to rule another Enlightenment philosophers answered the question by acknowledging the importance of establishing?

The Influence of the Enlightenment What gives one person the right to rule another? Enlightenment philosophers answered the question by acknowledging the importance of establishing order. As order was established and new economic patterns emerged, people began to question the king’s right to rule.

What had the most immediate impact on the ideas and practices that led to the development of the American democratic republic?

The ideas and practices that led to the development of the American democratic republic owe a debt to the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, the Protestant Reformation, and Gutenberg’s Printing Press. John Locke had the single most influence on the shaping of the United States.

What is the system in which citizens meet to discuss all policy and then make decisions by majority rule?

The Greeks are famous for practicing direct democracy, a system in which citizens meet to discuss all policy, and then make decisions by majority rule. In its place, the American Founders put “indirect” or “representative” democracy. In this system, representatives are chosen by the people to make decisions for them.

Which philosopher would not likely support a democratic republic?


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