What does Annemarie find in the grass?

What does Annemarie find in the grass?

Annemarie asks what happened. Her mother says the important thing is that the Rosens are with Henrik. Annemarie notices something in the grass: the packet Peter gave Mr. Rosen.

What story does Annemarie think about on the path to the boat?

Annemarie shivers in the early morning cold. She is on the path to the boat. Annemarie thinks of a story she has sometimes told Kirsti, the story of Little Red Riding-Hood. She smiles remembering her sister’s constant interruptions.

What does Annemarie find by the steps?

Why? To Uncle Henrik’s boat so he could take them to Sweden where they would be free. What did Annemarie find at the bottom of the steps? A packet that Peter had given Mr.

What does Annemarie find lying on the ground near Mama?

Annemarie sees her and helps her up but realizes the packet that Peter had given Mr. Rosen is on the ground, Mama asks her to quickly get it to Uncle Henrik.

What did Annemarie see as she looked out the window?

What did Annemarie see as she looked out the window? Mama lying on the path. The Rosens returning.

What did Mr Rosen dropped at Uncle Henrik’s house?

Rosen dropped at Uncle Henrik’s house? At Uncle Henrik’s house Mr. Rosen had dropped the packet that Peter gave him.

Why did the soldiers stop Annemarie on her way to Uncle Henrik’s boat?

What does Peter give the baby before they leave for Henrik’s boat? Why do the soldiers stop Annemarie on her way to Uncle Henrik’s boat? They are looking for escaping Jews. Why does Henrik need the handkerchief in the packet?

What does Annemarie use as a cover story in order to get the package to Uncle Henrik?

Annemarie took the packet to Uncle Henrik’s boat. What was at the end of the path? The Nazi soldiers and their dogs.

What was in the package in number the stars?

Because of this, Annemarie must take an important package to her uncle before they can leave. On the way to the boat, soldiers with dogs stop her. They search her basket and discover the package. But when they rip it open it contains only a handkerchief, and they let her go.

Who is the girl on the cover of Number the Stars?

Anna Caterina Johnson

How old is Ellen in number the stars?


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