What does Antigone do when she is brought before Creon?

What does Antigone do when she is brought before Creon?

What does Antigone do when she is brought before Creon? What does Ismene do when she is brought before Creon? She tries to take some of the blame for burying Polyneices.

What does the sentry tell Creon has happened to Polyneices body?

The sentry tells the Chorus that Antigone is the culprit in the illegal burial of Polynices and calls for Creon. When Creon enters, the sentry tells him that after he and the other sentries dug up the rotting body, a sudden dust storm blinded them.

What happens to Creon at the end of the play?

Creon survives at the end of the play, retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Haemon, Creon’s son, commits suicide after Antigone’s death. Eurydice, Creon’s wife, commits suicide after hearing of the death of her son Haemon.

What did Tiresias say to Creon?

Teiresias tells Creon, “You stand once more on the edge of fate.” Teiresias tells Creon that he has made a mistake in not allowing the body of Polyneices to be buried, that this act has separated them from the gods: “The gods are deaf when we pray to them, their fire / Recoils from our offering, their birds of omen / …

Why does the messenger say that Creon has lost all?

What does the messenger say Creon has lost from his life? Joy of a family and subjects that respected him. You just studied 23 terms!

What does Creon accuse Teiresias of?

In lines 48-61, what does Creon accuse Teiresias of wanting from him? He accuses her of taking bribes and refuses to believe her warning.

How is Creon responsible for his own downfall?

Creon was responsible for his own downfall. Creon set himself upon the road to destruction when he made a law that directly contradicts the law of the gods and especially Antigonies beliefs, But by the time Creon even realizes his guilt; it is too late the death of Antigone,his son and his wife has already taken place.

How has Creon ordered Polynieces body to be treated?

EXPLANATION: Creon considered Polyniece as a traitor. To establish his authority and power, he ordered everyone to not bury his body. He made a law to not bury his body and to be left for animals to be eaten. He also made soldiers to watch the body so that no one dares to bury the body and his order is been obeyed.

What does Creon want the chorus for?

What does Creon tell the chorus he plans to do? He will not put Ismene to death, but Antigone will be walled up inside a cave. If she starves to death, the gods cannot blame Thebes for her death.

How does Creon react to haemon’s arguments?

How does Creon react to Haimon’s arguments? He says he everyone should “obey” him or the leader success of the city.

Why does Creon order that Eteocles be buried with honors?

Why does Creon order that Eteocles be buried with great honors, but that Polynices’ body be left to rot on the battlefield where it lay. Creon orders this because he wants to honor the noble Eteocles and dishonor Polynices, since he is a traitor. There are four gods that the chorus refers to in their first appearance.

How does Creon feel about money?

Creon thinks that money must somehow be involved with the burial of Polyneices. Creon goes on to say express that money is a major motivator for unsavory practices.

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